Selamat datang para pencinta AOE II

Disini kami memfasilitasi segala hal yang berkaitan dengan AOE.
Kritik yang membangun sangat diharapkan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut.
Silahkan memberi komentar, dengan menyertakan nick Hamachi Anda.

Untuk bergabung, install VPN software (Hamachi) terlebih dahulu. Kemudian gabung ke,

Network : aoeplayer dan aoeplayer2
Passw : 123

Have a nice game.....

Jumat, Maret 07, 2008

Kompetisi AOE2Indo Pertama di Hamachi!!


Untuk semakin meramaikan hamachi dan kaskus AOE2 Indo dengan semangat kebersamaan kami mengundang semua pemain AOE II untuk mengikuti kompetisi AOE pertama yang digelar di Hamachi dan Kaskus AOE2Indo.

Kompetisi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menimbulkan perpecahan dan keributan diantara kita, justru untuk lebih mempererat persaudaraan, karena itu FAIR PLAY dan Kebersamaan dalam kompetisi HARUS DIJAGA!!!

Sebagai pembuka perkenankan Kabayan yang bodoh ini mengajukan ide untuk Peraturan Pertandingan tersebut, ide ini belum bersifat final, kalo ada masukan, koreksi, hujatan, dan sajabalna silahkan dikemukakan nanti akan kita sesuaikan kembali. Peraturan ini dibuat bukan untuk apa2 melainkan agar kompetisi ini berlangsung dengan baik dan adil
Berikut Peraturannya
1. Pertandingan dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dengan setiap team bertemu sebanyak 3x dengan 3 pilihan RLM, LN dan Nomad) semua pertandingan dilakukan dihamachi AOE2Indo (No DIRECT IP). Pertandingan pertama dan kedua masing2 team boleh pilih map (masing2 team pilih 1 map), sedangkan yang ketiga berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama atau kalau tidak terjadi kesepakatan dapat dipilih oleh wasit.
2. Satu team terdiri dari 2 Pemain, tiap team sebelumnya harus mengajukan nama (nickname) dan IP address hamachinya, semua boleh bergabung dalam team. Khusus untuk Syu, Rif dan Koibito tidak boleh bergabung satu team :P
koi, syu dan rif hanya boleh mengusulkan nama partner ke panitia, keputusan diterima atau ga nya ada di panitia demi menghindari ketimpangan dengan tim lainnya. Untuk Secure dan Selop saat ini tidak ikut kompetisi dulu karena jadi panitia
3. Team yang dinyatakan menang apabila lawan telah resign atau defeated sebelum waktu 1,5 jam (RLM), dan 2 jam (LN dan Nomad). apabila dalam waktu tersebut masih belum ada yang kalah maka yang menang akan diliat dari poin tertinggi saat 1,5 jam (RLM) dan 2 Jam (LN dan nomad)
4. Setiap pertandingan akan diset oleh wasit yang berfungsi sebagai sopir diawal (abis itu keluar), dan harus di Record. Hanya pertandingan yang dilakukan oleh wasit yang ditunjuk oleh panitia yang dianggap sah.
5. Penentuan pemenang akan dilakukan setelah record game diserahkan kepanitia, keputusan panitia akan dianggap final apabila tidak ada komplain dari kedua pihak.
6. Hadiah yang akan diberikan berupa GRP kaskus dan atau Premium Hamachi, juga akan ditampilkan di welcome page saat masuk hamachi aoe2indo keren kan
7. Peraturan tambahan apabila pertandingan eror sebelum waktu berakhir atau ada yang bisa dinyatakan kalah, apabila pertandingan telah berlangsung lebih dari 1 jam dilihat berdasarkan poin tertinggi, apabila kurang dari 1 jam dapat diajukan untuk diulang.

Untuk sementara ini Panitia : Kabayan, Selop dan Secure
Demi menjaga sportifitas dan ketidakberpihakan kepada salah satu team, untuk saat ini panitia tidak diperkenankan ikut kompetisi (Nanti gantian dooong )

Adapun wasit boleh siapa aja sepanjang teamnya saat itu tidak bisa maen dan harus bisa jadi sopir yang baik
tugas wasit adalah memberitahukan peraturan pertandingan tersebut dan menset gamenya.

Karena ini pertandingan perkenalan batas waktu pengiriman team adalah besok sore tanggal 8 Maret pukul 18.00 WIB, team dapat diposting dikaskus oleh teamnya, atau pm ke panitia. Jadi malem ini teamnya silahkan latihan dulu dan cari pasangan deh

Mohon maaf kalau dirasa mendadak, untuk tahap pertama ini dadakan dan segala hal yang dirasa kurang dapat di revisi dikompetisi berikutnya.

Oya semua record game menjadi milik bersama dan akan mendapat kehormatan dipublish diblog kita

Kalo ada yang kurang ntar kita edit lagi deh okeeee...

Mari kita ramaikan AOE2Indo dengan maen sportif dan menghargai lawan kita...
Inget bro Menang kalah biasa yang penting Fun

Rabu, Maret 05, 2008



The AK-47 strategy is a fast feudal rush, executed by the Mongol civs (cos of theirhunting bonus) and powered by man@arms supported by a tower rush (skirms are also welcome, but later when the econ is stabilized).

The point of this attack is to hit the enemy as soon as you can, just like the rest of the flushes, but this one can be one or two minutes sooner than your enemy flush.

Build order

Always a build order is hard to follow in every game exactly as you use to do. And in this one a single minimal error can screw you up on your attack.

So I want to say a few things before you go ahead and read the build order:
1. Do not worry if you cannot find deerearlier, with 6-7 sheep and 2 boars you will have enough food to go feudal.
2. This flush is very versatile so you can go either with 17 vils or 21 vils, you must decide it

Dark age

So as said before 1-6 vils go sheep, 7-10 go wood, 11 lure first boar, 12 build mill and hunt deer with 13,14 lure second boar, rest go wood, but the two last ones goes gold and build a mining camp. Click feudal upgrade around the minute 7:30/8:30

The Feudal transition

Get 4 vils from food and put them on wood, bring 4 more from wood and build a barracks as soon as you have 175 wood, and start making militia, rest leave on food: farming/berries/sheep.

The Feudal age

Those four forwards vils should have picking stone from your enemy's base, build a tower on your enemy wood camp and attack with your militia/man@arms while your 4 vils make their job. Then bring them back to pick stone; it will be helpful if you palisade his other stone pile or his gold with one vil instead building the tower.

Non-stop making vils/man@arms, later you could do some skirms as well.

Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Note: This is a very hard flush but very effective when well executed, so you might not agree with me in some points of this strat like the gold/stone picking order. You can pick both on your base, or just stone/gold and the rest on one of the enemy piles.

By HC_Shanks__


The reason I chose Aztecs was because they are one of two civilisations that can create eagle warriors and that is basically it hehe.

About this strategy...

Mainly aimed for team games. It's not very useful in duels as a flush will kill this with ease. But if you were in the pocket of a 3v3, this strategy is very ful (similar to my mass knight rush). The eagle warriors get both armor upgrades, forging and tracking, which makes them nearly invincible against arrows with 4 pierce armor.

Villagers 1-6) Sheep
Villager 7) House, and then lumber camp
Villagers 8-11) Wood
Villager 12) Sheep
Build House with anyone.
Villager 13) Lure boar
Once boar is dead, all shepherds move to boar, but if theres still sheep, keep 1 villager on the sheep.
Villager 14) Boar
Villager 15) Lure second boar
Villager 16 goes to build mill near deer.
Build House with anyone
Villager 16-18) Goes to hunt deer
Villager 19) Sheep or Boar
Villager 20) Wood
Build House.
Villager 21) Build mill near berries
Villager 22) Wood
If theres too much crowd in the town centre, use some shepherds to make some farms around the town centre.
Villager 23) Wood
Villager 24) Wood
Villager 25) Build mining camp near gold
After all sheep has been consumed, send the shepherds to gold - use 1 to make a farm.
Villager 26) Gold
Villager 27) Farm
Villager 28) Wood
~ Click Feudal ~

Recap on what we have so far:

* 10 lumberjacks

* 4 foragers

* 5 farmers

* 6 miners

* 3 hunters (on deer)

Make a barracks and a house.
~ During Feudal ~

As soon as you hit feudal, queue 3 villagers and use 2 lumberjacks to make an archery, and 1 to make a blacksmith.
Villager 29) Wood
Villager 30) Wood
Make a farm with one of the builders.
~ Click Castle ~

Once the deer hunters have finished, send them to mine gold.
Use the 2 builders to make more barracks.
Recap again:

* 6 farmers

* 2 foragers

* 12 lumberjacks

* 9 miners

* 2 builders

Research scale mail armor.

Build more houses.

~ During Castle ~

Queue as much eagle warriors as possible from each barrack. Research chain mail armor. Research forging. Once you are running low on gold and can\'t make any more eagles, research tracking. After you have your 25 upgraded eagles in 20 minutes, go kill the enemy (obviously).

After you sent them, keep making a few eagles and make villagers, research economy technologies, whatever.

By HC_Shanks__



Basically, my aim is to get 20 knights in 20 minutes. It sounds impossible, but is not. This strategy involves using the Teutons because of their cheaper farms. Many other civs are viable also but because of the teuton''s farm bonus, it enables you to have less woodcutters, or more farmers. This strategy is specifically for pocket players only. You can risk using this strategy if you were on the sides, but that would be a big risk.

What you need:

4 sheep + bonus 2 sheep, don''t really need the other bonus sheep but you can if you want
2 boars.
Don''t need to hunt deer, but if they are close, you can hunt them.
Berry bush.
The build up:

Well, its just like most build ups;

6 on sheep, 1 forager, 2 woodcutters and 1 house builder/boar lurer are the first set of villagers
By 10 minutes, you should have achieved the following:
* 26/30 population
* 14 villagers on food
* 11 villagers on wood
* + scout
(or something like that)
You want to mine gold after the 10 minute mark too... trust me, you will need it. I have tested this strategy over 10 times and found that you will need LOTS of gold, repeat, LOTS of gold

Transfer 2 FROM food to gold and make town centre gathering point to gold
Now you can look at your resources and see do you need more food, if you do, make some villagers to go to food instead
With a population of 32, click feudal
By now, you should have:
* 32/50
* 11 villagers on wood still
* about 12 on food
* 7 gold miners
* and 1 builder building barracks while feudaling
* + scout
As soon as you get to feudal, build blacksmith with 3 woodcutters and a stable with 1- 2 miners and queue 3 villagers at town center
With the 3 villagers who built the blacksmith, make another mining camp at a different gold mine
The 3 villagers you made FROM the town centre go to the new gold mine
Advance to Castle Age

Meanwhile, DON'T do any upgrades because it is impossible to achieve 20 knights in 20 minutes if you did do upgrades
Using the same builder who built the stables, build 3 more stables, in total of 4
Make more houses
As soon as you hit castle, train knights... do NOT make villagers FROM the town centre, it won''t work
Queue knights is top priority (queue farms at the mill to save some time)
You should have 12 miners and only 8 woodcutters
By 20 minutes, you should have queued (non-stop) 20 knights AND more coming
FROM there, is up to you.
By HC_Shanks__


The Basic Start


Whether your a newb or rook, this lesson is probably the most important one yet

If you spend enough time on this lesson and practise it, you will definitely move to the next level!

Here is a BASIC start in AoK, using sheeps, and both boars to advance to the castle age by 17 minutes


At the very start:
Make a villager from your town centre
Make a house with 2 villagers
Make a house with the other villager
Get your 4 sheep with your scout
After the houses are complete, send all 3 villagers to gather food from your sheep inside town centre

Vill 4: Sheep
Vill 5: Sheep
Vill 6: Sheep

You should now have 6 villagers on sheep, plus a scout that is finding your other sheep around town centre.

Vill 7: Make lumber camp near forest
Vill 8: Wood
Vill 9: Wood
Vill 10: Wood

You should now have 6 villagers on sheep in your town centre and 4 villagers gathering wood near a forest and lumber camp.

Vill 11: Send towards location of boar and build a house

After Vill #11 builds the house, it will lure the boar back to the town centre, and then gather food from the boar

Vill 12: Build mill beside berries
Vill 13: Berries
Vill 14: Berries

You should now have 7 villagers in your town centre on the boar, 4 villagers on wood, 3 villagers on berries and a scout

Vill 15: Send to location of 2nd boar and build house

After the vill builds the house, it will lure the 2nd boar back to the town centre and gather food

Vill 16: Farm beside town centre
Vill 17: Farm beside town centre
vill 18: Wood
Vill 19: Wood
Vill 20: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 21: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 22: Build House and then wood
Vill 23: Farm
Vill 24: Farm
Vill 25: Farm
Vill 26: Wood
Vill 27: Gold
Vill 28: Gold
Vill 29: Gold

After your 8 villagers in the town centre finish gathering from the 2nd boar, send a few to wood and a few to make more farms, and leave 1 or 2 to finish sheep.

This start is very basic, and is only intended as a practise start for rooks and newbs to get used to how a proper start works. Since it advances to the Feudal Age at 30 pop, it is quite easy and after some practise you will master it. Once you fuedal you just need to build a market and stable to advance to the Castle Age.

I would suggest using Britons for attemping this start, because they are the easiest to do it with