Selamat datang para pencinta AOE II

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Have a nice game.....

Rabu, Maret 05, 2008



The AK-47 strategy is a fast feudal rush, executed by the Mongol civs (cos of theirhunting bonus) and powered by man@arms supported by a tower rush (skirms are also welcome, but later when the econ is stabilized).

The point of this attack is to hit the enemy as soon as you can, just like the rest of the flushes, but this one can be one or two minutes sooner than your enemy flush.

Build order

Always a build order is hard to follow in every game exactly as you use to do. And in this one a single minimal error can screw you up on your attack.

So I want to say a few things before you go ahead and read the build order:
1. Do not worry if you cannot find deerearlier, with 6-7 sheep and 2 boars you will have enough food to go feudal.
2. This flush is very versatile so you can go either with 17 vils or 21 vils, you must decide it

Dark age

So as said before 1-6 vils go sheep, 7-10 go wood, 11 lure first boar, 12 build mill and hunt deer with 13,14 lure second boar, rest go wood, but the two last ones goes gold and build a mining camp. Click feudal upgrade around the minute 7:30/8:30

The Feudal transition

Get 4 vils from food and put them on wood, bring 4 more from wood and build a barracks as soon as you have 175 wood, and start making militia, rest leave on food: farming/berries/sheep.

The Feudal age

Those four forwards vils should have picking stone from your enemy's base, build a tower on your enemy wood camp and attack with your militia/man@arms while your 4 vils make their job. Then bring them back to pick stone; it will be helpful if you palisade his other stone pile or his gold with one vil instead building the tower.

Non-stop making vils/man@arms, later you could do some skirms as well.

Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Note: This is a very hard flush but very effective when well executed, so you might not agree with me in some points of this strat like the gold/stone picking order. You can pick both on your base, or just stone/gold and the rest on one of the enemy piles.

By HC_Shanks__

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