::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::UNIQUE UNIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Jaguar-man::-------->Everything but not infantry. Also Hussars are not recommended if they are fully upgraded.
Longbow::------------>With their long range, if something keep enemy unit in a position for a second they can be very painfull. Skirmisher and hussars are the best
Can-Counter:Infantry, Archers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Cataphract::----------------->It can be countered efficently only by knights and camels. Because of they trample damage and bonus vs infantry 5 of them can kill every infantry unit in range just killing one of them.
Woad-raider::------------>Strong and fast. It's like a champion but it moves faster Use knight, champion (is bit weaker), and hand-cannoner.
Cho-ku-Nho::--->Skirmisher and hussar (but must be outnumbered because they are really strong).
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers, knight when massed
War-Wagon::-------->Use pikemans and camels.
Can-Counter:Infantry, knight when massed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Samurai::---------->It can be killed by every unit with decent attack, but not by unique units.
Can-Counter: Unique unit::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Throwing-axe-man::--------->This is an infantry with ranged attack so use knights, champions, hand-canners and archers.
Can-Counter: skirmisher, weak infantries, huskarl
Huskarl::--------------->Use knights, champions and hand-cannoners but not archers.
Can-Counter: Archers, skirmisher:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Plumed-archer::----->Use skirmishers
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Mangudai::----->Use skirmishers
War-Elephant::----->Use Pikemans and camels. Be carefull. this unit can destroy your city without help of rams or trebuchets.
Can-Counter: all unit except camels and pikemans
Mameluke::---->It's a Camel with ranged attack. Use Skirmishers, archers but not mounted units or you'll regret that.
Can-Counter: hussar, knights::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Conquistador::-----> A very strong unit. Massed skirmishers and archers do well but for best results use knights.
Can-Counter: when massed all units but not camels and mameluke
Teutonic-knight::----->This unit can be stopped only using Archers, skirmisher, and cavalry archer, but also hand-cannoner.
Can-Counter: all melee unit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Jannissery::----->Use skirmishers, archer or knights
Can-Counter:Infantry, when massed they can beat all unit other then its counter
Tarkan::----->It's like a knight. Use pikes and camels
Can-Counter: Nothing, some use only to destroy towers or castles when massed
Berseker::----->Skirmishers, archers, hand-cannoneers and knights will reduce them in pieces.
Can-Counter: Any weak troop. Because of the regeneration it's very resistant to those type of troops
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Senin, April 13, 2009
Unit & Its Counter - Unique Units
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Unit & Its Counter - Warship
Galley::--------->Fire-ship will do very well against them, but also vikings-longboat and korean turtle-ship
Fire-ship::------->Best counter is demolition ship
Cannon-galleon::------------->Fire-ship but also vikings-longboat and korean turtle-ship. Because of the slowness of their shoots (enemy not use spanish) also demolition-ship can be useful
Demolition-ship::----------->Galleys are good, but also longboat and turtle-ship when massed (not very well tested. I made only one test on this)
Turtle-ship and longboat::------------>Use fire-ship
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Unit & Its Counter - Castles
TREBUCHET::------------>Troops seem not to attack them and it can be devasting if it is unpacked near your city. Solutions are 1) Train rams and use attack-groups with one man group (this way rams will attack them) 2) Don't let them unpack near your city
Petard::--------------->Every unit. As use them stupidly so there are no problems counter them. In every case they are so weak that they can be killed easily by every unit you train
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Unit & Its Counter - Monastery
Normal monk and missionary::--------->Every ranged unit, but also hussars. They will die easily.
Aztec monk::-------------->Those beasts are most difficult unit to counter. Hussars can do very well against a little group of them, but if they are massed, seems like nothing can counter them (They are also very resistant). The only solution is to research faith and heresy (losing 2000 gold) and start to pray (maybe pray is not the right word ). Only eagles seems to have some chances
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Unit & Its Counter - Siege Workshop
Scorpion::-------->When massed there are only a few units that can pass their line of fire without be killed. Skirmishers and mangonels can do well. It's difficult that they mass anyway, and if a knight reach one of them, they'll never shot again.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Mangonel::---->Every non ranged unit will do fine, but only if you have set an-ability-to-maintain-distance to 0. In other cases your units will be seriously damaged, or even killled by a rain fo stones
Rams::------->Like mangonels, every non-ranged-unit will be perfect
Bombard-cannon::------->They have the minimum-shooting-distance so every non ranged troops can do well
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Unit & Its Counter - Stable
Knights::---->Pikemans and camels:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hussar::------------>Pikeman and camel do the best, but every troop other then archers, skirmishers and monks will do the same.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Camel::-------->Camel is weak to pikemans attack, and in general to every troop not mounted. (Very difficult you will have trouble with them, because they cost gold and they are relatively a weak unit).:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Unit & Its Counter - Barrack
Eagle-Warriors::---->Knights (but they are much more expansive, so it's not very good as counter), long-swordsman (not very useful against rushers, because it would require too much time to improve them and aztec can produce them faster.) Only certain civs can counter them efficiently with troops (goth for example). The remaining civs normally use a castle defense.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Champion::------->Archers, cavalry archers, hand-cannoneers and knights. Also massed scorpions.:::
Pikeman::----------->Almost every troops but of course not mounted ones. Champions will do very well (just an example )::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Unit & Its Counter - Archery
Archers::---------------------->Skirmishers can do pretty well against them,but also knights, hussar and eagle-warrior unless they are too improved (Arbalest) and massed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Skirmishers::----------------->Almost all troops except Archers and Pikemans. They become very usefull when massed (no troops have attack bonus against them), unless hussar, eagle-warrior, and knights can do pretty well against.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hand-cannoneeers::----->Every ranged unit seems good to counter them because of they low standard piercing armor. Other troops have some problems because of their high attack, especially when massed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Cavalry archers::--------->Skirmisher and pikemans do very well. High attack but low range of fire make them to be target easily by skirmishers.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
PS:You can counter them also with scorpions and mangonels but they are very expensive so it's not propely a counter.
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Kamis, April 02, 2009
Begginer Guide to LN
A Beginners Guide to LN
Posted July 31st, 2007 by [AdiX]NimSoThe Conquerors
Welcome to a Strategy Guide for those who want to get better at Land Nomad.
*This strategy guide will be base off of LAND NOMAD(fixed)
Well to start it off there are 18 civs in aoc and there are two civilizations that you will start with that have more then 3 vils to start with at the beginning of the game(Mayans and Chinese)(4 and 6). The chances of getting Mayans or Chinese are a mere 11%(2/18).
At the beginning of the game your vils are spread out throughout the map, You want to bring Your vils together, to start creating a lumber. What I like to do is to bring my vils to the center of the starting point of the vils. This start 95% never fails me to get near a dear+boar patch and a overall pretty decent map.
So say that I have 2 Vils near the top of the map and one to the left side, I'll take my vils and move closer to the middle so that my far vil won't have to walk all the way up to the
top of the map.
When your vils finally meet up, you only want one vil creating your lumber. The reason you only want 1 creating the lumber is that its slower to have all 3 vils create the lumber at the same time, when you could start to collect wood right from the bat.
At this time you should have collected some sheep, if you haven't already, you should ask your allies if they can send 3 sheep. I say 3-4 sheep, because that’s usually that amount in which you can scout your whole map*.
*Map- The area in which you're located at on the map. You only want to scout about 3 screens TOPS, but about 2 screens is required, if you plan on knowing your surroundings.
The simpliest way to start scouting is to go into circles and spread your sheep out. Now you ask,"What am I looking for when I scout with my sheep?"
Well there are many things that you are looking for; Food*, Gold, Stone, Wood, and your enemies.
*Food- You’re looking for boars and deer herd near you. At the farthest you want to go for a deer patch is 2 screens away.
*Food- The farthest that you want to go for berries is just about 1 screen away, since you don't get any bonuses for gathering berries.
Say there is a deer patch that is two screens from your lumber, and say that the berries are only 1 screen away, its worth the risk to go for the deer.
Boars are a different story. Once you get the idea of how far your vils can go to get a boar, and not DIE*.
A trick that some people don't know, and you might even find this helpful, when you see that your vil is about to die, say it has 7 hp left and the boar is about to attack your vil, build a house right where the boar is (which should be behind your vil) (if your huns, trying building a palaside, but bigger buildings help better) The boar will stop, and move so that you can create your house. In this case your boar will run back to its starting point or just sit around a while then go back.
Always try and combine your mills and save yourself some wood.
Try and combine deer/berries if they are close enough together, but build your mill TOUCHING your berries.
Now to get back on topic, try finding at least a gold and stone patch near you, if you don't see any, try asking your allies, they might've seen something that you missed.
You have now collected 275 wood! You now have enough to create a TC (Town Center). What I like to do is have two vils create the TC(Try to build the TC touching a Forest, & somewhere near your food, not too far)* , and 1 vil get the extra 30 wood for a house.
*(Anything farther then 1 screen away isn’t worth the walk)
(If your huns, then this won’t be needed, just get 3 vils on the TC (Town Center) ) Now depending on your speed, you could try and put 3 vils on the TC right when u get 275, because it will create if faster, but as soon as you create it, you will have to throw 3 vils on wood, and collect the wood fast. As soon as you collect the 30 wood u have to usually have 3 vils create the house, so that your population won’t be halted. Now some people might ask, well I can just use loom, no worries. Wrong! You have to think of Loom like a savior. You need to use it when u run out of food, or when u are going to get housed, (like I said without huns). I usually get loom around vil 8-9
The build order I like to use, when I get the extra 30 wood when creating tc, is to first get the 30 wood, then make that vil to help create my TC. When it is created, then I have one of the vils, it doesn’t really matter which and make the house outside the LOS (Line of Sight) of the TC. There is no difference if it is, but I just think of it as, more farm space( already thinking of Castle Age)
So heres the Build order I like to use, and it works 90% to get at least a 19-21 castle time, depending on the civ. This is the usual building order, slight change depending between civs, because of the bonuses.
Vil 1-2 Go to sheep, those that u have collected. (You should keep like 3 extra sheep, for collecting extra food)
Vil 3 is the Vil that you sent outside to create the house outside your LOS.
Vil 4 go to sheep, You need that extra food.
****Now your house should have been created. When that vil is done, Your going to use him and collect and FS* (Free Sheep) that you see.
*Ask your allies if they see any FS themselves, because if you ask them, they might even send a few, if you need them. It’s also possible that they need FS also, so always ask, its worth it.
Vil 5 – Lumber, Its time to start collecting some Wood. You need to start now because its takes to about vil 8, to collect 30 wood.
Vil 6 –Sheep- Your going to need more food, to make sure that your TC doesn’t stop working.
Vil 7 –Sheep – Same reason as Vil 6.
Vil 8 – Sheep -- Now you should have 30 wood, or just like 22 wood, Check up on your lumber…..vil (5) and dump whatever he has ( it should be enough to create a house). Now, Vil 3 Is out scouting make him create your house. NOT anyone near your TC, because you don’t want to stop any of your resources. Make sure you put your Vil (5) back to work if you made him drop what he was carrying into the TC or the Lumber ( which ever was closer)
Vil 9 – Lumber, Your now going to start collect wood to make some buildings ( a mill ) (houses)
Vil 10- Lumber – You now have 3 lumberjacks, 6 vils on Sheep, 1 vil exploring for FS.
------------ Right now I would just suggest getting LOOM, because you will be getting boars soon.(If boars aren't found anywhere)---------
Vil 11 – Boar (if any around; If there aren’t any I would say start getting on the deer) - If there are any boars around that are around 2-3 screens away, try and get one of them. And bring him back. BEFORE going make sure you have LOOM, if not use that vil and build a house, kill some time and make sure you don’t lose the vil on a stupid hunt.
Vil 12 – Will go to Either Lumber of Boar, its all depending on which you want (This vil order can be switched around a bit from Vil 12-13)
Vil 13 – Start going to deer if you haven’t already. (If there isn’t and deer then try going to Berries)
Vil 14 - Deer-
Vil 15 - Deer-(You should now get your 2nd boar if you haven’t already.)
Vil 16 - Deer-
Vil 17 - Deer-Now most people wouldn't think of usually going 6 vils go to deer, but in LN, this is exactly what you want to do. The reason why u want 6 vils on deer is because you are planning on going to castle as fast as you can, and with only 4 vils on deer, you won't be collecting food fast enough. Also if this vil order is perfected, you should have enough food to get a wood upgrade as soon as you get to feudal. (IMO)
Vil 18 - Deer-
Vil 19 Wood-You are going to want around 6-7 on wood. The reason why you want about 6-7 on wood is because your going to need the extra vils on food. The wood is mainly for Buildings, like a barracks/stable/market if you plan on doing some kind of mini-boom ( but we'll get more into that when i Write a stategy on that)
Vil 20 Wood-
Vil 21 Wood-
Vil 22 Gold- This vil will be creating a gold mine. I even put up a mine if the gold is right by my TC, because i plan on getting the gold mining upgrade. I say only about 3 on gold, if your aztecs u could utilize the extra carrying, and only put 2 on gold. This gold collecting is for getting to castle age, with at least 200 gold,
Vil 23 Gold-
Vil 24 Gold-
When you are going up, you are planning on going to castle as soon as your buildings are made.
-Now you want to create a Barracks if you are planning on makings knights, or some kind of army.
-If you aren't planning on making some kind of army , you are going to want to start making a blacksmith/market as soon as you feudal. ( You are going to want to have 2 vils on the market ( creating it) and 1 vil on the blacksmith, ( so that they are created at the same time)(The market takes a bit longer to create)
Your Feudal NOW.
-by the time you get to Feudal, you are going to make 2 vils, usually I send them to gold because I'll be going some kind of mini boom.
-Some people prefer going to stone, for TC's, but I found out with lots of test games, that if you collect stone ( not for a castle obviously) but for a TC, its just easier to to purchase the stone, or to create the first tc near wood/stone mine.
If your mongols or some civ that has a LOT of food, you are going to want to get your Lumber and your Gold upgrade as soon as you get to feudal, because you'll be collecting the food/gold/wood that much faster.
If your not collecting that much food, that is fine you can wait til you hit the up- button to go to castle. Then you will get your wood upgrade FIRST, then if the resources allow you will the gold upgrade.
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Download Mappack 3
Buat temen-temen yang mo donlot mappack 3 (Blood, Castle Blood, TP dan Others map) bisa di Download langsung di link berikut ini:
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