Selamat datang para pencinta AOE II

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Have a nice game.....

Senin, April 13, 2009

Unit & Its Counter - Unique Units

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::UNIQUE UNIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Jaguar-man::-------->Everything but not infantry. Also Hussars are not recommended if they are fully upgraded.

Longbow::------------>With their long range, if something keep enemy unit in a position for a second they can be very painfull. Skirmisher and hussars are the best
Can-Counter:Infantry, Archers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Cataphract::----------------->It can be countered efficently only by knights and camels. Because of they trample damage and bonus vs infantry 5 of them can kill every infantry unit in range just killing one of them.

Woad-raider::------------>Strong and fast. It's like a champion but it moves faster Use knight, champion (is bit weaker), and hand-cannoner.

Cho-ku-Nho::--->Skirmisher and hussar (but must be outnumbered because they are really strong).
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers, knight when massed

War-Wagon::-------->Use pikemans and camels.
Can-Counter:Infantry, knight when massed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Samurai::---------->It can be killed by every unit with decent attack, but not by unique units.
Can-Counter: Unique unit::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Throwing-axe-man::--------->This is an infantry with ranged attack so use knights, champions, hand-canners and archers.
Can-Counter: skirmisher, weak infantries, huskarl

Huskarl::--------------->Use knights, champions and hand-cannoners but not archers.
Can-Counter: Archers, skirmisher:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Plumed-archer::----->Use skirmishers
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Mangudai::----->Use skirmishers

War-Elephant::----->Use Pikemans and camels. Be carefull. this unit can destroy your city without help of rams or trebuchets.
Can-Counter: all unit except camels and pikemans

Mameluke::---->It's a Camel with ranged attack. Use Skirmishers, archers but not mounted units or you'll regret that.
Can-Counter: hussar, knights::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Conquistador::-----> A very strong unit. Massed skirmishers and archers do well but for best results use knights.
Can-Counter: when massed all units but not camels and mameluke

Teutonic-knight::----->This unit can be stopped only using Archers, skirmisher, and cavalry archer, but also hand-cannoner.
Can-Counter: all melee unit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Jannissery::----->Use skirmishers, archer or knights
Can-Counter:Infantry, when massed they can beat all unit other then its counter

Tarkan::----->It's like a knight. Use pikes and camels
Can-Counter: Nothing, some use only to destroy towers or castles when massed

Berseker::----->Skirmishers, archers, hand-cannoneers and knights will reduce them in pieces.
Can-Counter: Any weak troop. Because of the regeneration it's very resistant to those type of troops

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