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Senin, Agustus 31, 2009
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Selasa, Agustus 18, 2009
Land Nomad
Article written by Intimatum
Published at 09-18-2008; updated on 09-19-2008 by Luke Gevaerts
My purpose in posting this is both to get comments on my strategy from those who are more skilled than me and to teach those who are less skilled than me. Comments welcome but let's have no flaming in this thread.
One of the most popular RM game types on the Zone currently, especially in Zone room 'Mediaeval Siege', is Land Nomad. The differences between a Land Nomad map and the standard 'Nomad' map in AoK:TC are as follows:
(a) LN is a land map, so no water of any kind (doh);
(b) you start with standard resources, so you need to chop wood before you can build your starting TC;
(c) on LN (unless someone clicked the All Techs button), civs get the same starting resources as they normally do on Arabia, i.e. all civs get 200 wood except for Persians (250), Huns (100) and Chinese (150)
Land Nomad maps generally have generous resources with plenty of forest and good hunting, although only standard amounts of sheep and mining, so in that way they are similar to 'Green Arabia'. The main differences between Land Nomad and a standard Green Arabia map are:
(d) no starting town centre (doh);
(e) no initial scout or no EW for meso civs;
(f) villagers randomly placed around your 'spot' and may be fairly widely scattered;
(g) no wolves on LN.
On the Zone, the convention is that LN games are played with Random civs and with a 'Conquest' victory condition.
The Random civs convention, and the random starting positions, introduce an element of chance into the game, although of course a good player will be able to make the best of any civ and any starting position.
In the initial stages, your most urgent priorities are to (1) walk all your starting vils to the same place to chop wood;
(2) build a LC by wood;
(3) find one or more sheep (for scouting and later eating).
Once you have 275 wood, you should then build a TC in a good spot as quickly as you can.
As mentioned, there is an element of chance in Land Nomad. The following elements are random:
(a) your starting position - you could be near forest, and near a good hunting spot, or you could spend 1 minute looking for forest; your vils could be closely spaced or far apart; you could be close to enemy or far from enemy
(b) the number of sheep you find initially - obviously this partly depends on how much ground your vils cover while walking towards the lumber camp;
(c) your civ.
The civilisation that you draw makes a huge difference to your game in LN, because, some civs have an advantage during what one might call the 'pre-Dark' age, that is to say, before the TC is built.
It is of extreme importance, in LN, to build the starting TC as soon as possible. A 'standard' civ (e.g. Byzantines) must start as follows: build a lumber camp (cost: 100 wood) then chop 175 wood before the TC can be built, and also chop another 30 wood to build the first house. Generally the first house will be needed in order to create your sixth villager, that is to say, to avoid idle time the house must be finished 50 seconds after the TC is up, and (working backwards) construction of the house must therefore be started 25 seconds after the TC is up. Allowing for a few seconds reaction time and the time it takes your builder to walk to the house spot, you will not have time to chop any more wood between finishing the TC and needing to build that house. Therefore you need to have 30 wood in the bank by the time the TC construction is finished.
With a non-bonused civ, the normal LN start for good players is therefore as follows:
(A) Press idle villager hotkey three times, and each time right-click minimap to walk the villager towards a spot in the middle of all 3 villagers (if you're mathematically minded, the shortest aggregate villager walk is to walk them all towards the median point of the triangle made by their starting positions)
(B) Watch each villager in turn en route looking out for forest, sheep (especially sheep at the edge of the field of vision), and allies' and enemies' villagers
(C) Build a lumber camp as soon as possible by the closest reasonable patch of forest to the spot which the villagers are walking to. For a good LN start, build the lumber camp adjacent to the forest, not one tile away like people sometimes do. Try not to trap a vil between the lumber camp and the forest, although this is not an absolute disaster if it happens.
(D) Build the lumber camp with one or two vils and chop wood with the other(s). Especially if building with one vil, watch the other two vils carefully as they will stand idle indefinitely if they succeed in chopping 10 wood before the LC is constructed - if that happens, you need to drop off the wood and reclick a tree manually.
(E) Don't let the AI automatically assign the villagers to trees after the LC is done. You should manually assign the villagers to trees adjacent to the LC. If you do this correctly, your vils will drop 10 wood each time without needing to walk at all. This will shave precious seconds off your 'pre-Dark' time.
(F) As soon as you have 275 wood (note: you should force drop wood to get to 275 when you see that you have 260 wood in the bank), start TC construction with at least one vil. Assuming you have found 2-3 sheep already, the best TC location is adjacent to forest - ideally with a good straight edge of forest to the Northwest side of your TC.
(G) Build the TC with two vils, while continuing to chop wood with the third. You need to make sure that you will have 30 wood by the time the TC is complete. This can include wood that is held by the TC builders. For example, with 15 wood in the bank, I would chop another 10 wood at the LC, then chop another 5 and then move the woodchopper, holding that 5 wood, to assist in the TC construction. That 5 wood will be dropped off as soon as the TC is complete.
(H) Once the TC is complete, build a house nearby with 1 vil, and scrape sheep with 2 vils. After the house is built, the builder can sensibly go looking for more sheep.
It is advantageous to build the TC adjacent to forest because:
(a) your vils are already at the forest, so building the TC right there reduces walk time before you start building the TC
(b) with the TC adjacent to forest, you can chop wood efficiently with no need to build a second lumber camp until Castle age, thus you save 100 wood
(c) villagers chopping wood at the TC do not bump so much as villagers chopping wood at a LC (except that occasionally a vil will walk all the way around the 'hard' part of the TC to get to the next tree after finishing a tree - try to prevent that from happening)
(d) newly created woodcutters in Dark and Feudal do not have a long walk to get to the forest
(e) the TC can protect your crucial woodcutters if you get attacked in Feudal.
(g) if you are building the TC with 3 vils, and you don't exactly have the 30 wood needed for a house, you can easily peel off one of the builders to chop a bit more wood
TC build time:
With two vils is 113 seconds
With three vils is 90 seconds
Therefore you save 23 seconds building the TC with 3 vils, which is roughly equivalent to having an extra vil by the time you Feudal.
Good players, especially those with Celts or Spanish, may be able to get away without having 30 wood by the time the TC is built: for example, you could build the TC with vils holding 15 wood, and quickly chop 15 wood after the TC is built, force-drop it, and build a house with all 3 vils.
While doing all of the above (typical TC completion time for a good LN player with a non-bonused civ and an average length villie walk to get to the lumber camp position: 7:00 minutes), you should obviously be scouting with any sheep you found, and then bring at least one sheep to the TC to be slaughtered. Personally I concentrate on scouting the area around my TC, and also the centre of the map and edges and corner of the map. I do not usually try to scout enemy areas with sheep, as that will give the enemy an extra sheep which they may be desperate for at this stage in the game. As a feudal attack in LN is generally unlikely unless an enemy is very close to you, there is no great value to knowing the enemies' precise location at this stage in the game, on the other hand you do obviously want to make sure that the enemy is not in your own back yard.
On the other hand, if you have several sheep, this early stage in the game gives you an ideal opportunity to scout right to the edges and corner of the map, to find those stone piles and relics that people sometimes miss.
What to do if you have no sheep
If you don't have any sheep, in my opinion (unless Chinese) you should still start precisely as described above, as you will have enough food to create 4 vils after the TC is complete, and if you still haven't found sheep then you could research loom. This gives you around 2 minutes after the TC is built to find some sheep, just like a normal Arabia game.
Of course, in a team game you should be communicating with your allies and they should send you 1 or 2 sheep in pre-Dark if they have any to spare, so that you can do some scouting. Their sheep will usefully scout for them while walking over to you. If your allies are really tight gits, you could always promise to send sheep back to them when you find some.
If your allies don't have sheep to spare, there are usually small groups of sheep all over the map in LN, so you may be lucky and find some within line of sight of your TC once it is built, or while building your first house. Failing that, you could send all 3 vils looking for sheep once the TC is built. There is also a good chance that you will soon come across and convert an enemy or allied sheep scouting your area (which is why I, personally, try not to sheep-scout my enemies' areas).
If you have no sheep and no helpful allies, then it is probably better instead of building the TC adjacent to forest, to build it next to a berry patch if there is one nearby, or better still next to deer. Berries will give you a smooth enough food income in Dark if you can pick them without bumping. You can hunt deer early if you build the TC near a deer herd, although you will have to force-drop food a few times; if you see a deer wandering across your actual TC area, certainly take the opportunity to shoot it there. You can even hunt boar once you have 5 vils (3 if Goths, 4 if Aztecs).
The Civilisation Lottery
These are the civs with an early advantage on LN. Obviously if you play it right that advantage can last all game.
(1) Chinese
6 starting vils instead of 3 is a huge advantage:
(a) it means that the additional 225 wood needed for the TC is chopped nearly twice as fast (110 seconds instead of 190 seconds approximately);
(b) it means that the TC can be built in around 65 seconds (5 vils on the job and 1 gathering food, see below);
(c) with your 6 vils starting in different places you should find more sheep, for extra early scoutability (and besides, you are soon going to need that food);
(d) TC supports 10 pop, so there is no need to have the additional 30 wood required for your first house: you can build the TC with all 6 vils if you like;
(e) Not only do Chinese have insane age times, longer lasting farms, and cheaper research, but they also have knights with Bloodlines. Yummy.
The main problem of the Chinese is the -200 starting food penalty, therefore the Chinese player needs to gather the first 50 food as fast as possible, in practice by the time that loom has been researched 25 seconds after the TC is up. The only way to achieve this is to have at least one vil gathering food while the TC is under construction; and you can have two vils doing so. Kill a sheep right next to the TC, and when a vil has scraped 10 food, then reassign that vil to building the TC while holding 10 food. An additional advantage of doing this is that when the TC is built, the builders will be auto-assigned to the sheep instead of to forest.
Therefore once the TC is up, provided the Chinese can get the food in fast enough, they should be up to 7 vils ahead of other civilisations (3 extra starting vils, 75 seconds faster initial wood gathering=3 vils, 25 second faster TC construction=1 vil) - and that advantage lasts all game! That is a phenomenal advantage and can be translated into a very fast (for LN) castle time: the Chinese player can castle a full 3 minutes earlier than most others. Every team hopes that someone on the team will draw Chinese. (But every team member also hopes that it will not be him, as that early micro is very hard to perfect and you are almost certain to get doubled in mid-Castle!)
(2) Mayans
4 starting vils instead of 3 is a great advantage, but not so good as the Chinese:
(a) it means that the 175 wood for the TC is chopped in 130 seconds instead of 195 seconds: that is a 65 second advantage. In practice, the fourth vil will probably be far from the wood so he will have to spend some time walking, so maybe it is a 50 second advantage in practice;
(b) three vils can build the TC (90 second build time) while the fourth chops wood for the first house: for the Mayans, construction of the first house must start shortly before completion of the TC lest the Mayans be housed at 5 pop - on the other hand, if the house is built in time, the Mayans can loom at a normal time (10 or 15 vils) which means they retain the advantage of being 1 vil ahead throughout Dark Age, which is better than they can do in Arabia.
Basically the Mayan player can start a LN game 3 vils ahead of other civs, due to saving 50 seconds wood gathering time. There is a slight saving in TC building time as the Mayans can have 3 vils on the TC throughout its construction; and the Mayans 'resources last longer' bonus is good on LN as there is plenty of hunting, it also means that the super efficient trees adjacent to the TC will last longer. That can translate into a castle time approximately 1-2 minutes earlier than non-bonused civs. The Mayans can also usefully spare a villager at an earlier stage to go looking for unclaimed sheep and enemy sheep (see below).
Mayans are the second best card to draw in the Random Civs deck.
(3=) Persians
The 50 wood bonus at the start translates into less wood needing to be chopped and therefore a 55 second speed advantage in getting the TC construction started. The 50 food starting bonus will help to achieve a good fast Castle time. Once in Castle the Persians get Bloodlined knights and also a superb boom. Tied for third place with the Japanese in LN.
(3=) Japanese
The Japanese lumbercamp costs only 50 wood, leaving 150 in the bank, so, like the Persians, only 125 wood needs to be chopped for the TC. The three Japanese starting vils will chop 125 wood in roughly 135 seconds, which is 55 seconds faster than other civs. That Japanese TC will be up sooner, and that 55 second speed advantage should soon translate into two extra vils or a 1 minute earlier Feudal and Castle.
The cheaper mill (and cheaper mining camps in due course) will also help the Japanese player to Castle fast, and will be helpful to the boom in due course. The Japanese, tied with the Persians, are the third best early game civ in LN.
(5=) Spanish
The 30% increase in builder speed (a bit of maths for you: in practice, that is only a 23% reduction in actual build time) means that that TC goes up in 69 seconds instead of (say) 94 seconds with 3 vils on the job: roughly a 25 second advantage. That is equivalent to a one vil headstart. Because the Spanish build houses in 20 seconds instead of 25 seconds, there is also more leeway in the initial 30 wood requirement which makes an optimal start slighly easier to achieve. With Bloodlined knights, and a powerful UU, and good trade for the whole team in late game, the Spanish are a strong civ in LN and take equal fifth place.
(5=) Celts
As everyone knows, Celt villagers gather wood 15% faster than every other kind. That means that the 175 wood needed for the TC will be obtained in 165 seconds compared with most civs' 190 seconds: a 25 second early advantage, which (like the Spanish) is equivalent to being one vil ahead once the TC is up and in continuous production. Again, there is slightly more leeway in the initial 30 wood requirement, making it easier to use all 3 vils to build the TC. With plenty of opportunity to boom to Imperial for great siege, Celts are tied for fifth place with the Spanish. The Celt infantry speed bonus also gives rise to a unique Dark Age strategy, as we shall see.
(7) Mongols A feature of LN is that the herds of deer are often large (maybe 6 or 8 deer), and also that boars are found in groups of up to five and you can reasonably hope to find at least 3 (your allies may be generous and let you take one of theirs, or you may be cunning and steal boar from your enemy). Hopefully you will have found good hunting with your sheep scouts, in which case you could even consider locating the TC closer to the hunting grounds.
Even more so than in Arabia, on LN the Mongols can achieve a fast (but low pop) Feudal and Castle, alternatively can go for a normal time with more resources in Castle for creating Bloodlined knights. Thus in age advancement times the Mongols can match the Persians and Japanese, perhaps even the Mayans or Chinese if the hunting is really good, although the Mongol economy will not be so strong. Although LN games have no starting scout, in a way the Mongols have a scouting bonus as they are likely to hunt early so allowing most of their sheep can do more scouting before they need to come in to be slaughtered.
Just don't forget to be ready to start farming when the sheep run out, otherwise you will face a nasty food shortage in early castle.
(8) Aztecs
The +5 vil carrying capacity (which equates to 33% less walking for Aztec vils in Dark) will lead to a slight speed advantage in chopping the initial wood requirement that wood, but probably no more than 10 seconds all told. Free Loom equates to being one vil ahead from the time that other civs loom (typically at pop 12-13, on LN maps), although there is accordingly more pressure on the Aztecs to keep ahead with both food production and housing: be alert to force-drop food when required. Together, these economy bonuses are only slightly less advantageous than Celts and Spanish in a LN game. As noted, a feature of LN games is that most players usually make it to Imperial, and Aztecs in Imperial are a surprisingly powerful civ with the best Champions in the game.
(9) Britons
On LN it is possible to find LOTS of sheep (especially if you send a vil in the enemies' direction, he he), so the Briton player is likely to have plenty to keep his food gatherers busy. LN can also be a boomers's map, which suits the Britons just fine.
(10) Koreans
The +2 vil LOS can be useful early in LN, as vil scouting is important - for example, the bonus helps you to find more sheep as the vils walk on their way to the LC. More sheep = more sheepscouts and more free food. It also makes it easier for you to take sheep from the enemies' side of the map. A feature of LN games is that if you are adjacent to an enemy you typically trush instead of flushing, and the Koreans can do an excellent trush; the free tower upgrade upon Castling is particularly pleasing if you are able to both trush and achieve a fast Castle time (it is a good team strategy to ask allies to tribute you some food to help you Castle within a reasonable time despite your trush).
(11) Teutons If you are unlucky enough to find no sheep initially and no hunting, that could mean that you have to build 10 or more farms in the Dark Age. In that case, being Teuton might just save your game and/or Zone reputation. Also, as noted already, LN is often suited to booming, and the Teutons have an outstanding boom; Bloodlined Knights are an alternative. Due to the bonused TCs, Teutons are relatively safe from raids, and therefore if Teutons in the pocket you can consider going for a no-military fast-imp (obviously by agreement with your allies first).
(12=) Saracens
The Saracens have no Dark Age bonus, however they can do a surprisingly powerful krush with their Bloodlined knights through using the market skilfully to obtain plenty of food in early Castle. Check out Saracen market strategies elsewhere: essentially, the Saracens' economy is most efficient if they mine stone and gold instead of building farms, until food costs more than 153 gold. (This also means that no farms need be built until farm upgrades have been researched.) The good hunting that is typical on LN will assist this strategy. Even so, you may find it advisable to build 3-5 Saracen farms in Feudal so as to maintain a smooth food income if you forget to visit the market on a sufficiently regular basis.
(12=) Turks
The gold mining bonus can help the Turks build plenty of Bloodlined knights, roughly as many as the Saracens; this bonus can also mean you can castle with only two gold miners instead of three, allowing an extra vil to be used elsewhere. Turks are also one of the top Imperial age civs if they can survive that long, which they usually can on LN.
(14=) Goths, Byzantines, Franks, Vikings
These civs have no useful early game bonus (the Goth boar bonus does not really count as useful, indeed it can be counter-productive if you shoot the boar off the TC patch).
They are, however, all good in different ways in Castle age and Imperial age. After all, AOK:TC is a very well-balanced game.
Goths have Bloodlined knights.
Franks have something equivalent.
Byzantines have cheap camels.
Vikings have a better-than-average Castle age economy (effectively, +3 vils compared with another civ which has to research wheelbarrow) which means that they can in fact do a good knight rush, despite having no Bloodlines and poor Imperial age cavalry.
(18) Huns
The Huns are in last place on LN because, unlike every other land map, the Huns are the slowest civ in LN. The cause of this is that 100 wood starting penalty, meaning that the poor Hun player has to spend all his wood on a LC and then chop 275 wood in order to build his TC: with 3 vils chopping away, that is a 105 second speed penalty compared with even the slow Byzantines. The Huns can claw back a few precious seconds by virtue of using all three vils to build the TC (build time: 90 seconds) and not worrying about 30 wood, but that will still leave the Huns roughly 100 seconds behind even a non-bonused civ. That is essentially a 3 vil starting disadvantage (3 vils, not 4, because other civs basically have to use 1 vil constantly to chop wood for houses and to build houses (130 vil seconds per house, against 125 seconds for the TC to create 5 vils). At a lower level of play, the Hun disadvantage is less than 3 vils, because the other civs will not build the TC and first house optimally, and the other civs will manage to get themselves housed from time to time. Despite this starting penalty, the Huns are not a total washout, because they are a good civ once they get going, with Bloodlined knights or the Cavalry Archer alternative which probably interferes less with the boom.
Land Nomad: Flush or no flush?
Once you are feudal in LN, the main differences from a normal land map game (e.g. Green Arabia) are as follows:
(a) everyone's age times are 5-7 minutes later than normal (depending on civ);
(b) some civs (especially Chinese) have had a massive speed advantage already, as detailed above;
(c) you only have 100 starting stone, not the usual 200, because you used 100 stone already to build the initial TC;
(d) your TC is probably better located than it would be in an Arabia game i.e. it is directly adjacent to wood and protecting your woodies; it may also be nearby gold or stone;
(e) you should have gathered more food and/or started farming later than on an Arabia map, due to the good hunting on LN;
(f) no player is likely to have scouted any enemy town thoroughly until mid-Feudal at earliest, as sheep scouting of enemies is not very effective!
The consequence of points (b), (d) and (f) (and the Hun starting penalty!) is that a flush is much less likely in LN than in a normal game. Also, LN is generally a team game, often 4v4, which again makes a flush less satisfactory and a fast castle more likely. Point (e) is also in favour of a fast castle. Point (c) is a point against a feudal-age trush.
But ultimately I think it is point (d) which is the real reason why a flush is rare in LN. The principal objective of a flush is to shut down or slow down an enemy's wood, and on LN that is often impossible in Feudal unless the enemy is badly positioned or the forest is so thin that you can put skirmishers and a tower on the far side of it.
The very fact that a flush is rare, and therefore unexpected, can mean that it is a good strategy to adopt. I am including a feudal tower rush as a specific class of flush, by the way.
In particular, I have recently seen good results achieved by towering up a Chinese opponent, as the Chinese player will almost certainly be going for a fast Castle with little or no military at that stage in the game. But your tower rush needs to be very very fast and must ultimately result in 5 or 6 towers preventing him from farming or mining on one whole side of his TC, otherwise you will find that he is in Castle before you know it and ramming down your towers while his knights hit your Feudal Age economy.
In 1v1 LN games a fullscale flush can be very effective (depending on civs), as your opponent might not be expecting it and it will be a while before he even scouts your town.
Some people will do a fast Castle with a small scale Feudal attack, e.g. 2 scouts or 4 spearmen, if they spot an enemy's town at the right sort of time. For example, you can sometimes hit an enemy's gold miners while they are unprotected and far from the TC; or with a few spears built during the Castle transition you can ambush an enemy forward builder or the vils building his second or third TC. A scout rush also has the advantage that through doing it you will be able to scout your enemy's town properly.
If flushing in a LN team game, good communication with your allies is of key importance, as the flush will leave you highly vulnerable to a castle-age attack by the flushee's ally. 'Doubling' (where two players jointly attack one enemy) is very common in LN games, and a player who has flushed an opponent is asking to be doubled or tripled later on. A good ally will station a few pikes in your town and also keep the enemies busy with raids to prevent them from potentially assisting your flushee.
Ultimately, whether or not you decide to flush in LN depends on what civs you and your allies are, what civs the enemies are, and map position - you need to adjust your strategy accordingly. Counter-intuitively, the very fast civs (Chinese, Mayans, Japanese and Persians) should almost always aim to fast castle rather than flush, as a knight or cav archer raid, while the enemy is still in Feudal or in early Castle with no military and no second TC built, is by far the most devastating blow you can strike.
Special strategy for Celts in Land Nomad
As noted, Celts have a good start in Land Nomad, being fifth equal in terms of speed of construction of the initial town centre.
Celts also have the advantage of faster moving infantry. This means that Celt swordsman line units move faster than (non-Wheelbarrowed) villagers and Celt pikeman move very nearly as fast as non-upgraded knights.
This means that Dark-Age scouting of the enemy with militia is more viable with Celts. That can be advantageous in four ways:
(a) You can pick up any outlying sheep between you and the enemy, thus keeping your economy strong
(b) You can scout the ground between you and the enemy, and the enemy towns, at a stage when most players will not yet be scouting. If you are an experienced player you should be able to predict what strategies the enemy will ultimately adopt from this scouting in late Dark age. Once your allies (hopefully fast castlers with Bloodlined knights) have researched Cartography, they will benefit from this scouting that you have done so that they can do a better directed raid in early Castle.
(c) You may be able to steal sheep, due to the Celts sheep stealing powers. That kind of thing can really screw up an enemy's carefully laid fast castling plan.
(d) You can attack villagers. Although loomed villagers will easily defeat militia, the point about Celts is that they can run away faster than the villagers can catch them if the villagers do decide to counterattack, and Celt militia also have a chance of evading TC fire. Thus, although you are unlikely to kill anything at this stage, you can cause a major distraction; you may even succeed in making a panicky player garrison all his vils or make some other economic error.
I've never heard of anyone doing a drush in LN, although I suppose it's possible; but what I have in mind instead is a one or two militia scouting, raiding and sheep stealing party.
The infantry speed bonus also means that a flush with Celtic infantry units is a respectable strategy. The Celtic spears are able to kill more enemy vils, because they can walk much faster than the vils, and they are able to retreat from enemy archer, skirmisher, tower and TC fire more easily. They are also able to outrun enemy infantry if the enemy counters with barracks units. Indeed, if one enemy's defences are too strong, it will not take too long for the Celtic feudal infantry raid to walk along to the next enemy. The enemy will probably not have Cartography at this stage so at the very least you can cause confusion by doing this.
The fact that the Celts are the fifth fastest civ to start on LN (equal with Spanish) and have a woodcutting bonus means that there should be plenty of wood available for building a forward barracks, or two, in Dark age.
In a LN game, is it better to boom, krush, power krush or fast Imp?
As noted, most players fast castle in Land Nomad, and don't flush at all. The three basic strategies are then:
(A) knight pump from 2 stables (or EW pump for mesos) and raid economy with 4-6 knights around 24-25 minutes, and keep creating more knights as your economy allows.
(B) boom from 3-4 TCs, then go for a late but powerful knight attack e.g. 20 knights at 30 minutes, probably with all military upgrades
(C) boom with no military (except for spears/pikes for base defence), going for a fast Imperial
Opinion is divided. Most rooks go for strategy (C), the boom, while many good players go for strategy (A), the krush. Strategy (B) can be devastating, which is why I have called it a power krush.
As with other strategic decisions on LN, much depends on the random elements such as positioning, civilisation, and quality of your allies and enemies - this is what makes LN such an exciting game.
Strategy (A)
Strategy (A) tends to involve: 26 or 27 vil feudal, wheelbarrow in Feudal age, 3-4 gold miners, plenty of farms. Your Feudal Age buildings could be stables+blacksmith. You should probably create one scout in Feudal, so that your knights can see where they are going. Ideally you want the first stables on the enemy side of your town, and a second stables as far forward as you dare. You might partially wall in your town, or the most vulnerable part, with houses + barracks + blacksmith + stables; do not build stone walls or gates. In early Castle, build a second TC as soon as possible: without mining stone or building a market, this is the most you can do as you only have 100 stone at this stage. Personally I build the second TC six tiles away from the first, for mutual protection and so that I can create a vast farming area; I ignore stone at this stage although gold is worth going for.
Create knights from both stables, if necessary at the cost of a small delay in villie production at your TC(s). Gatherpoint the knights as far forward as you dare. When you have 4 knights, hit the enemy. Alternatively you can hit the enemy earlier with 2 knights, and send another 2 knights to another part of his town 30 seconds later on. Even if you lose the first 2 knights, it is probably a worthwhile exercise if you can kill 1-2 vils and/or make him garrison his vils for a significant length of time. Fairly quickly you should be able to maintain continuous villie and knight production from 2 TCs and 2 stables respectively, then you can start stone mining, build the 3rd TC, research stuff and boom away. I used to make the mistake of researching blacksmith upgrades before building knights, but I now realise that is generally not the best use of resources until you have 10 knights already built: it's better to have 4 knights than 2 upgraded knights, etc.
Exceptionally, if you have superfluous food during the Castle transition and plenty of sustainable food income then you can research Blacksmith upgrades. I would research the attack upgrade before the armour upgrade because it will enable you to kill a vil in 4 hits instead of 5 (I think that's right, anyhow you get the idea).
IMO, Franks, Mongols, Persians, Spanish and Vikings in particular should usually go for strategy (A). For various reasons, these civs are able to create more knights, sooner, than other civs and they should press this advantage home. (Vikings not as good as the others, and they don't get Bloodlines, but it is still Vikings' best strategic option as Vikings are at their relative strongest in early Castle.)
Saracens and Turks can do it too. Equally, they can go for the same quantity of camels to counter an enemy doing this strat, or to help out an ally. As an alternative, Turks can do an earlier light cavalry raid (maybe buying food at the market).
Chinese players almost always go for strategy (A), which is, perhaps, a reason why they should not as although the Chinese can strike with knights while the enemy is still in Feudal, the enemy will almost always have built heaps of spears. On the other hand, the Chinese could be cunning and hide a couple of forward barracks near an enemy who is further away, who might not have had the foresight to build spears. The possibilities are endless.
Meso civs often go for strategy (A), although personally I don't like it as a small handful of EWs is a fairly weak force; although if you can build 15 EWs from 3 forward barracks by 25 minutes that would be a different matter. If you don't forward build, one problem is that on an 8 player map (typical for LN) the EWs simply don't run across the map fast enough to attack at the earliest, most devastating, time.
Strategy (B)
Assuming you can defend reasonably well against small scale raids coming from enemies implementing Strategy (A), Strategy (B) can turn the course of a game. The idea is to boom from 3 or 4 TCs, with a view to building a later, but stronger, Castle Age army. This army should be sufficiently powerful that if you raid with it, it can knock out an entire enemy TC and remain relatively undamaged (unless the enemy matches with an equal sized army). Alternatively, if your ally is engaged in a 1v1 or a 1v2, this army will turn the course of the battle and ensure that your side wins. I would say 20 knights, with some support (eskirms, camels etc) would be a minimum size army under this strategy.
You can build up this army near your base or at a point between you and the nearest enemy, so that it can serve the function of defending you against raids in the meanwhile.
You obviously need to mine stone (or buy it in the market, which is very inefficient unless Saracens but it is probably sensible to do it for the first 100 stone needed for the third TC). Your third or fourth TC will probably be on stone. Because you will be building up your army later, you need to be able to do it faster so you should start with one stable (keep wood for booming), and add three more stables when you can.
You could do a 25+2 vil, blacksmith+market fast castle, then wheelbarrow from the second TC as soon as it is built; ideally you need to have the resources to build both the second and third TC as soon as you Castle although this can be difficult with this size of economy. You will probably get all the Feudal economic upgrades, and the Castle wood upgrade, but don't bother yet with Heavy Plow because it is costly to research and its bonus doesn't save you any resources until at least 30 minutes (i.e., the time when your farms built post-Heavy Plow would be still going, had you researched Heavy Plow at 25 minutes, instead of expiring as they will do if you don't research it). By that time, wood should be plentiful and your army should be on its way to do its damage in any case.
Strategy (B) is good for late castlers, i.e. Huns, or for people who had a bad start for one reason or another (e.g. no sheep and no hunting). Huns, in particular, are at their strongest doing this strategy, because it involves a rapid build-up to a pop of 100 or more by 30 minutes, and every other civ would have trouble keeping up with the housing for that whereas the Huns civ bonus really comes into its own doing this.
Strategy (B) also encompasses non-knight armies, i.e. massed crossbows or massed cavalry archers, in both cases with pike or camel support. Thus it is a good strategy for Britons (excellent early boom, excellent crossbows); Mayans (early Castle leading to excellent boom, cheap crossbows); Huns (cheap cavalry archers); Saracens (good cavalry archers, wood+gold based economy). Apart from Saracens, these civs also have difficulty in doing strategy (A).
It is also an option for Chinese, as it is slightly unexpected for them, and it makes excellent use of the early Castle time and the cheap technologies.
It is essential to have a few spears or pikes at home, and a reasonably well walled-in town, in case any enemy knights slip through the net.
You should research Cartography if doing Option (B), as you may well need to send your army to help out an ally who is being doubled.
Strategy (C)
A pure boom (a boom + 8 pikes at home, or a boom + 4 camels, or a 2 knight raid in early Castle + boom, all count as a "pure" boom for these purposes) should only be attempted if you have notified your allies well in advance and they don't object. You also need to be in a pocket otherwise you will get raided so much that it fails.
Even at a good level of play, a boom is respectable if (but only if):
(a) you know how to defend against a raid (pikes);
(b) you boom well, and you know how to fast imp and do something useful and game turning when you do (champs or siege or UUs or a really massive army);
(c) you have a civilisation which is at its strongest in Imperial (Turks, Teutons, Koreans, Byzantines, Goths, Aztecs, Celts);
(d) you are willing to tribute resources to your allies who are not booming (see 'Slingshot' below)
Ideally, no more then one civ on a four person team should boom. Essentially, three keep the enemy busy, while one booms and then comes along in Imperial to strike the death blow to the enemy. You should be strong enough to attack two enemies simultaneously, as one of your allies may be in retreat at this stage in the game due to lack of help from you.
You probably need to partially or completely palisade wall your town/corner of the map (single layers of walls - you are just trying to keep out pesky raids), and you certainly need to maintain spears at home - you may maintain 12 spears instead of 8 pikes, to save on the pike upgrade cost at this stage.
In practice, it is possible to achieve something like a 34 minute or 35 minute Imperial time on LN, but I think 36+ minutes with a stronger economy is better. You are probably looking at something like 5 or 6 TCs, but few military buildings until you start the Imperial upgrade.
Most rooks play this way. The difference between a good player and a rook in Strategy (C) is: the good player can boom from 3-4 TCs as soon as they hit Castle age; the good player will only do it where the conditions highlighted above are met; the good player will only do it where his allies agree; the good player will hit Imperial by 36 minutes and have a powerful army ready to deploy as soon as he does hit Imperial.
Champs are probably the best option for most civs under Strategy (C), as they are the easiest to mass, and yet they defeat virtually any Castle-age unit 1v1 and they rape and pillage enemy towns.
In my view, Teutons are particularly suited to strategy (C), with a slow castle time but a good boom due to the cheap farms, fully upgraded champs, powerful siege, a great UU, and very effective base defence due to the TC attacking bonus. Teutons should be able to fast Imperial and tribute several hundred food to their allies if need be.
Tribute / 'sling shot' strategy
Because of the remarkable difference in age times, the sling shot strategy can be very powerful in Land Nomad.
A typical example would be: Teuton player with good farming has food surplus in late Feudal, tributes 300 food to Persian ally who has just fast castled with 3 stables. The Persian can use that food to make 5 extra knights compared to what he otherwise would have made, which can make a devastating difference that early in the game.
The Teuton's tribute, in the form of the food for 5 extra Persian knights, is likely to be more effective in hammering the enemy than if the Teuton player had built 5 later, slower, knights of his own.
Obviously the Persian ally needs to have sufficient gold miners to have enough gold to create those extra knights immediately. This requires excellent communication between the allies. For example, the Teuton player needs to say around 19 minutes, "I am going to sling you 300 food at 23:00", so that the Persian can prepare his build-up appropriately. Obviously the Teuton player then needs to do precisely what he promised (or close enough: no reasonable ally is likely to mind if you tribute 200 food at 23:00 and another 100 at 23:20).
You can take this to greater extremes - the Teuton could stay in Feudal for longer and tribute the full 800 food and 200 gold that he would have otherwise used to castle (probably 600 food and 133 gold after deducting 30% tribute fee) ... just imagine what his Persian ally can do with all that. But it is a shame to do that, because it prevents the Teuton from reaching Imperial within a reasonable time and Teutons are one of the most powerful in Imperial.
I mention the Teutons as the sling, because Teutons are safest from raids with their TC bonus, and also Teutons can easily achieve food surpluses with their cheaper farms.
Vikings can also be a good sling, because they have a powerful Feudal economy (free wheelbarrow) but they are weak militarily on a land map.
Believe it or not, Britons can be a good sling, because they have good early food, and even if they castle late they can rapidly catch up in booming terms due to the cheaper TCs.
There, I've practically written a book on LN, and given away most of my best strategies (one or two not disclosed, he he). Hopefully those who read this will be on my team, and those who don't will be enemies. Over to you.
Posted by
Rabu, Juli 01, 2009
Kepada member aoeplayer: Secure,
Dengan kembalinya "secure" ke dunia aoeplayer, maka saya merasa perlu untuk memberikan peringatan tegas kepada anda sehubungan dengan beberapa issue yang telah terjadi berkaitan dengan tindakan yang tidak menyenangkan dan tidak layak terhadap sesama anggota aoeplayer.
Kepada “secure” diberikan kesempatan terakhir dengan kondisi sebagai berikut:
1. bila saya menerima keluhan atas sikap yang tidak menyenangkan dan tidak layak dan hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan
2. bila saya menerima pernyataan dari 5 anggota aoeplayer yang keberatan secure kembali di aoeplayer, dan karena kehadiran anda membuat mereka tidak bersedia lagi bergabung dengan aoeplayer
3. bila saya menerima permintaan resmi dari 10 anggota aoeplayer untuk mem-banned anda
4. secure tidak diperkenankan masuk di aoeplayer2, bila dilanggar
maka "secure" (ISP - Arcor AG Germany) akan di banned dari aoeplayer tanpa batas waktu. Saya harap anda memahami semua poin diatas (there will be no corresponding regarding this warning).
Heny Mustikasari
PS: untuk anggota baru dan mereka yang tidak mengerti persoalan ini, just do business as usual, bila anda ingin tau pastikan dapat info dari beberapa sumber yang sudah cukup senior. Thank you for your stay in aoeplayer :)
Posted by
Kamis, Juni 18, 2009
BIG Chris Pack - 1000 Games
Guys terlampir game pack-nya L Clan Chris
1000 buah game
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have fun
Posted by
Senin, Juni 08, 2009
RECORD BBC 2009 - Winner isssssss DAUT
Various RLM MAP
Posted by
Kamis, Juni 04, 2009
Folder AOE Siap Download, tanpa perlu INSTALL
Semoga bermanfaat ;)
Posted by
Senin, Juni 01, 2009
Record LAN Diztrix - 29 May 2009
Record game from LAN game @ Diztrix - Fatmawati - 29 May 2009
Download link: (if the download broken please contact me heny.mustikasari@gmail.com)
Emma,Jonis,Broa,Abay VS Rif,Koi,Dinadan,Jurig
Emma,Broa,Koi VS Abay,Rif,Jonis
Broa,Ecek,Abay,Jurig VS Koi,Rif,Jonis,Emma
Rif,Emma,Koi VS Ecek,Abay,Jurig,Jonis
Posted by
Senin, April 13, 2009
Unit & Its Counter - Unique Units
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::UNIQUE UNIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Jaguar-man::-------->Everything but not infantry. Also Hussars are not recommended if they are fully upgraded.
Longbow::------------>With their long range, if something keep enemy unit in a position for a second they can be very painfull. Skirmisher and hussars are the best
Can-Counter:Infantry, Archers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Cataphract::----------------->It can be countered efficently only by knights and camels. Because of they trample damage and bonus vs infantry 5 of them can kill every infantry unit in range just killing one of them.
Woad-raider::------------>Strong and fast. It's like a champion but it moves faster Use knight, champion (is bit weaker), and hand-cannoner.
Cho-ku-Nho::--->Skirmisher and hussar (but must be outnumbered because they are really strong).
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers, knight when massed
War-Wagon::-------->Use pikemans and camels.
Can-Counter:Infantry, knight when massed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Samurai::---------->It can be killed by every unit with decent attack, but not by unique units.
Can-Counter: Unique unit::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Throwing-axe-man::--------->This is an infantry with ranged attack so use knights, champions, hand-canners and archers.
Can-Counter: skirmisher, weak infantries, huskarl
Huskarl::--------------->Use knights, champions and hand-cannoners but not archers.
Can-Counter: Archers, skirmisher:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Plumed-archer::----->Use skirmishers
Can-Counter: Infantry, archers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Mangudai::----->Use skirmishers
War-Elephant::----->Use Pikemans and camels. Be carefull. this unit can destroy your city without help of rams or trebuchets.
Can-Counter: all unit except camels and pikemans
Mameluke::---->It's a Camel with ranged attack. Use Skirmishers, archers but not mounted units or you'll regret that.
Can-Counter: hussar, knights::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Conquistador::-----> A very strong unit. Massed skirmishers and archers do well but for best results use knights.
Can-Counter: when massed all units but not camels and mameluke
Teutonic-knight::----->This unit can be stopped only using Archers, skirmisher, and cavalry archer, but also hand-cannoner.
Can-Counter: all melee unit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Jannissery::----->Use skirmishers, archer or knights
Can-Counter:Infantry, when massed they can beat all unit other then its counter
Tarkan::----->It's like a knight. Use pikes and camels
Can-Counter: Nothing, some use only to destroy towers or castles when massed
Berseker::----->Skirmishers, archers, hand-cannoneers and knights will reduce them in pieces.
Can-Counter: Any weak troop. Because of the regeneration it's very resistant to those type of troops
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Unit & Its Counter - Warship
Galley::--------->Fire-ship will do very well against them, but also vikings-longboat and korean turtle-ship
Fire-ship::------->Best counter is demolition ship
Cannon-galleon::------------->Fire-ship but also vikings-longboat and korean turtle-ship. Because of the slowness of their shoots (enemy not use spanish) also demolition-ship can be useful
Demolition-ship::----------->Galleys are good, but also longboat and turtle-ship when massed (not very well tested. I made only one test on this)
Turtle-ship and longboat::------------>Use fire-ship
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Unit & Its Counter - Castles
TREBUCHET::------------>Troops seem not to attack them and it can be devasting if it is unpacked near your city. Solutions are 1) Train rams and use attack-groups with one man group (this way rams will attack them) 2) Don't let them unpack near your city
Petard::--------------->Every unit. As use them stupidly so there are no problems counter them. In every case they are so weak that they can be killed easily by every unit you train
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Unit & Its Counter - Monastery
Normal monk and missionary::--------->Every ranged unit, but also hussars. They will die easily.
Aztec monk::-------------->Those beasts are most difficult unit to counter. Hussars can do very well against a little group of them, but if they are massed, seems like nothing can counter them (They are also very resistant). The only solution is to research faith and heresy (losing 2000 gold) and start to pray (maybe pray is not the right word ). Only eagles seems to have some chances
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Unit & Its Counter - Siege Workshop
Scorpion::-------->When massed there are only a few units that can pass their line of fire without be killed. Skirmishers and mangonels can do well. It's difficult that they mass anyway, and if a knight reach one of them, they'll never shot again.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Mangonel::---->Every non ranged unit will do fine, but only if you have set an-ability-to-maintain-distance to 0. In other cases your units will be seriously damaged, or even killled by a rain fo stones
Rams::------->Like mangonels, every non-ranged-unit will be perfect
Bombard-cannon::------->They have the minimum-shooting-distance so every non ranged troops can do well
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Unit & Its Counter - Stable
Knights::---->Pikemans and camels:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hussar::------------>Pikeman and camel do the best, but every troop other then archers, skirmishers and monks will do the same.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Camel::-------->Camel is weak to pikemans attack, and in general to every troop not mounted. (Very difficult you will have trouble with them, because they cost gold and they are relatively a weak unit).:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Unit & Its Counter - Barrack
Eagle-Warriors::---->Knights (but they are much more expansive, so it's not very good as counter), long-swordsman (not very useful against rushers, because it would require too much time to improve them and aztec can produce them faster.) Only certain civs can counter them efficiently with troops (goth for example). The remaining civs normally use a castle defense.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Champion::------->Archers, cavalry archers, hand-cannoneers and knights. Also massed scorpions.:::
Pikeman::----------->Almost every troops but of course not mounted ones. Champions will do very well (just an example )::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Unit & Its Counter - Archery
Archers::---------------------->Skirmishers can do pretty well against them,but also knights, hussar and eagle-warrior unless they are too improved (Arbalest) and massed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Skirmishers::----------------->Almost all troops except Archers and Pikemans. They become very usefull when massed (no troops have attack bonus against them), unless hussar, eagle-warrior, and knights can do pretty well against.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hand-cannoneeers::----->Every ranged unit seems good to counter them because of they low standard piercing armor. Other troops have some problems because of their high attack, especially when massed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Cavalry archers::--------->Skirmisher and pikemans do very well. High attack but low range of fire make them to be target easily by skirmishers.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
PS:You can counter them also with scorpions and mangonels but they are very expensive so it's not propely a counter.
Posted by
Kamis, April 02, 2009
Begginer Guide to LN
A Beginners Guide to LN
Posted July 31st, 2007 by [AdiX]NimSoThe Conquerors
Welcome to a Strategy Guide for those who want to get better at Land Nomad.
*This strategy guide will be base off of LAND NOMAD(fixed)
Well to start it off there are 18 civs in aoc and there are two civilizations that you will start with that have more then 3 vils to start with at the beginning of the game(Mayans and Chinese)(4 and 6). The chances of getting Mayans or Chinese are a mere 11%(2/18).
At the beginning of the game your vils are spread out throughout the map, You want to bring Your vils together, to start creating a lumber. What I like to do is to bring my vils to the center of the starting point of the vils. This start 95% never fails me to get near a dear+boar patch and a overall pretty decent map.
So say that I have 2 Vils near the top of the map and one to the left side, I'll take my vils and move closer to the middle so that my far vil won't have to walk all the way up to the
top of the map.
When your vils finally meet up, you only want one vil creating your lumber. The reason you only want 1 creating the lumber is that its slower to have all 3 vils create the lumber at the same time, when you could start to collect wood right from the bat.
At this time you should have collected some sheep, if you haven't already, you should ask your allies if they can send 3 sheep. I say 3-4 sheep, because that’s usually that amount in which you can scout your whole map*.
*Map- The area in which you're located at on the map. You only want to scout about 3 screens TOPS, but about 2 screens is required, if you plan on knowing your surroundings.
The simpliest way to start scouting is to go into circles and spread your sheep out. Now you ask,"What am I looking for when I scout with my sheep?"
Well there are many things that you are looking for; Food*, Gold, Stone, Wood, and your enemies.
*Food- You’re looking for boars and deer herd near you. At the farthest you want to go for a deer patch is 2 screens away.
*Food- The farthest that you want to go for berries is just about 1 screen away, since you don't get any bonuses for gathering berries.
Say there is a deer patch that is two screens from your lumber, and say that the berries are only 1 screen away, its worth the risk to go for the deer.
Boars are a different story. Once you get the idea of how far your vils can go to get a boar, and not DIE*.
A trick that some people don't know, and you might even find this helpful, when you see that your vil is about to die, say it has 7 hp left and the boar is about to attack your vil, build a house right where the boar is (which should be behind your vil) (if your huns, trying building a palaside, but bigger buildings help better) The boar will stop, and move so that you can create your house. In this case your boar will run back to its starting point or just sit around a while then go back.
Always try and combine your mills and save yourself some wood.
Try and combine deer/berries if they are close enough together, but build your mill TOUCHING your berries.
Now to get back on topic, try finding at least a gold and stone patch near you, if you don't see any, try asking your allies, they might've seen something that you missed.
You have now collected 275 wood! You now have enough to create a TC (Town Center). What I like to do is have two vils create the TC(Try to build the TC touching a Forest, & somewhere near your food, not too far)* , and 1 vil get the extra 30 wood for a house.
*(Anything farther then 1 screen away isn’t worth the walk)
(If your huns, then this won’t be needed, just get 3 vils on the TC (Town Center) ) Now depending on your speed, you could try and put 3 vils on the TC right when u get 275, because it will create if faster, but as soon as you create it, you will have to throw 3 vils on wood, and collect the wood fast. As soon as you collect the 30 wood u have to usually have 3 vils create the house, so that your population won’t be halted. Now some people might ask, well I can just use loom, no worries. Wrong! You have to think of Loom like a savior. You need to use it when u run out of food, or when u are going to get housed, (like I said without huns). I usually get loom around vil 8-9
The build order I like to use, when I get the extra 30 wood when creating tc, is to first get the 30 wood, then make that vil to help create my TC. When it is created, then I have one of the vils, it doesn’t really matter which and make the house outside the LOS (Line of Sight) of the TC. There is no difference if it is, but I just think of it as, more farm space( already thinking of Castle Age)
So heres the Build order I like to use, and it works 90% to get at least a 19-21 castle time, depending on the civ. This is the usual building order, slight change depending between civs, because of the bonuses.
Vil 1-2 Go to sheep, those that u have collected. (You should keep like 3 extra sheep, for collecting extra food)
Vil 3 is the Vil that you sent outside to create the house outside your LOS.
Vil 4 go to sheep, You need that extra food.
****Now your house should have been created. When that vil is done, Your going to use him and collect and FS* (Free Sheep) that you see.
*Ask your allies if they see any FS themselves, because if you ask them, they might even send a few, if you need them. It’s also possible that they need FS also, so always ask, its worth it.
Vil 5 – Lumber, Its time to start collecting some Wood. You need to start now because its takes to about vil 8, to collect 30 wood.
Vil 6 –Sheep- Your going to need more food, to make sure that your TC doesn’t stop working.
Vil 7 –Sheep – Same reason as Vil 6.
Vil 8 – Sheep -- Now you should have 30 wood, or just like 22 wood, Check up on your lumber…..vil (5) and dump whatever he has ( it should be enough to create a house). Now, Vil 3 Is out scouting make him create your house. NOT anyone near your TC, because you don’t want to stop any of your resources. Make sure you put your Vil (5) back to work if you made him drop what he was carrying into the TC or the Lumber ( which ever was closer)
Vil 9 – Lumber, Your now going to start collect wood to make some buildings ( a mill ) (houses)
Vil 10- Lumber – You now have 3 lumberjacks, 6 vils on Sheep, 1 vil exploring for FS.
------------ Right now I would just suggest getting LOOM, because you will be getting boars soon.(If boars aren't found anywhere)---------
Vil 11 – Boar (if any around; If there aren’t any I would say start getting on the deer) - If there are any boars around that are around 2-3 screens away, try and get one of them. And bring him back. BEFORE going make sure you have LOOM, if not use that vil and build a house, kill some time and make sure you don’t lose the vil on a stupid hunt.
Vil 12 – Will go to Either Lumber of Boar, its all depending on which you want (This vil order can be switched around a bit from Vil 12-13)
Vil 13 – Start going to deer if you haven’t already. (If there isn’t and deer then try going to Berries)
Vil 14 - Deer-
Vil 15 - Deer-(You should now get your 2nd boar if you haven’t already.)
Vil 16 - Deer-
Vil 17 - Deer-Now most people wouldn't think of usually going 6 vils go to deer, but in LN, this is exactly what you want to do. The reason why u want 6 vils on deer is because you are planning on going to castle as fast as you can, and with only 4 vils on deer, you won't be collecting food fast enough. Also if this vil order is perfected, you should have enough food to get a wood upgrade as soon as you get to feudal. (IMO)
Vil 18 - Deer-
Vil 19 Wood-You are going to want around 6-7 on wood. The reason why you want about 6-7 on wood is because your going to need the extra vils on food. The wood is mainly for Buildings, like a barracks/stable/market if you plan on doing some kind of mini-boom ( but we'll get more into that when i Write a stategy on that)
Vil 20 Wood-
Vil 21 Wood-
Vil 22 Gold- This vil will be creating a gold mine. I even put up a mine if the gold is right by my TC, because i plan on getting the gold mining upgrade. I say only about 3 on gold, if your aztecs u could utilize the extra carrying, and only put 2 on gold. This gold collecting is for getting to castle age, with at least 200 gold,
Vil 23 Gold-
Vil 24 Gold-
When you are going up, you are planning on going to castle as soon as your buildings are made.
-Now you want to create a Barracks if you are planning on makings knights, or some kind of army.
-If you aren't planning on making some kind of army , you are going to want to start making a blacksmith/market as soon as you feudal. ( You are going to want to have 2 vils on the market ( creating it) and 1 vil on the blacksmith, ( so that they are created at the same time)(The market takes a bit longer to create)
Your Feudal NOW.
-by the time you get to Feudal, you are going to make 2 vils, usually I send them to gold because I'll be going some kind of mini boom.
-Some people prefer going to stone, for TC's, but I found out with lots of test games, that if you collect stone ( not for a castle obviously) but for a TC, its just easier to to purchase the stone, or to create the first tc near wood/stone mine.
If your mongols or some civ that has a LOT of food, you are going to want to get your Lumber and your Gold upgrade as soon as you get to feudal, because you'll be collecting the food/gold/wood that much faster.
If your not collecting that much food, that is fine you can wait til you hit the up- button to go to castle. Then you will get your wood upgrade FIRST, then if the resources allow you will the gold upgrade.
Posted by
Download Mappack 3
Buat temen-temen yang mo donlot mappack 3 (Blood, Castle Blood, TP dan Others map) bisa di Download langsung di link berikut ini:
Posted by
Jumat, Maret 07, 2008
Kompetisi AOE2Indo Pertama di Hamachi!!
Untuk semakin meramaikan hamachi dan kaskus AOE2 Indo dengan semangat kebersamaan kami mengundang semua pemain AOE II untuk mengikuti kompetisi AOE pertama yang digelar di Hamachi dan Kaskus AOE2Indo.
Kompetisi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menimbulkan perpecahan dan keributan diantara kita, justru untuk lebih mempererat persaudaraan, karena itu FAIR PLAY dan Kebersamaan dalam kompetisi HARUS DIJAGA!!!
Sebagai pembuka perkenankan Kabayan yang bodoh ini mengajukan ide untuk Peraturan Pertandingan tersebut, ide ini belum bersifat final, kalo ada masukan, koreksi, hujatan, dan sajabalna silahkan dikemukakan nanti akan kita sesuaikan kembali. Peraturan ini dibuat bukan untuk apa2 melainkan agar kompetisi ini berlangsung dengan baik dan adil
Berikut Peraturannya
1. Pertandingan dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dengan setiap team bertemu sebanyak 3x dengan 3 pilihan RLM, LN dan Nomad) semua pertandingan dilakukan dihamachi AOE2Indo (No DIRECT IP). Pertandingan pertama dan kedua masing2 team boleh pilih map (masing2 team pilih 1 map), sedangkan yang ketiga berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama atau kalau tidak terjadi kesepakatan dapat dipilih oleh wasit.
2. Satu team terdiri dari 2 Pemain, tiap team sebelumnya harus mengajukan nama (nickname) dan IP address hamachinya, semua boleh bergabung dalam team. Khusus untuk Syu, Rif dan Koibito tidak boleh bergabung satu team :P
koi, syu dan rif hanya boleh mengusulkan nama partner ke panitia, keputusan diterima atau ga nya ada di panitia demi menghindari ketimpangan dengan tim lainnya. Untuk Secure dan Selop saat ini tidak ikut kompetisi dulu karena jadi panitia
3. Team yang dinyatakan menang apabila lawan telah resign atau defeated sebelum waktu 1,5 jam (RLM), dan 2 jam (LN dan Nomad). apabila dalam waktu tersebut masih belum ada yang kalah maka yang menang akan diliat dari poin tertinggi saat 1,5 jam (RLM) dan 2 Jam (LN dan nomad)
4. Setiap pertandingan akan diset oleh wasit yang berfungsi sebagai sopir diawal (abis itu keluar), dan harus di Record. Hanya pertandingan yang dilakukan oleh wasit yang ditunjuk oleh panitia yang dianggap sah.
5. Penentuan pemenang akan dilakukan setelah record game diserahkan kepanitia, keputusan panitia akan dianggap final apabila tidak ada komplain dari kedua pihak.
6. Hadiah yang akan diberikan berupa GRP kaskus dan atau Premium Hamachi, juga akan ditampilkan di welcome page saat masuk hamachi aoe2indo keren kan




7. Peraturan tambahan apabila pertandingan eror sebelum waktu berakhir atau ada yang bisa dinyatakan kalah, apabila pertandingan telah berlangsung lebih dari 1 jam dilihat berdasarkan poin tertinggi, apabila kurang dari 1 jam dapat diajukan untuk diulang.
Untuk sementara ini Panitia : Kabayan, Selop dan Secure
Demi menjaga sportifitas dan ketidakberpihakan kepada salah satu team, untuk saat ini panitia tidak diperkenankan ikut kompetisi (Nanti gantian dooong



Adapun wasit boleh siapa aja sepanjang teamnya saat itu tidak bisa maen dan harus bisa jadi sopir yang baik

tugas wasit adalah memberitahukan peraturan pertandingan tersebut dan menset gamenya.
Karena ini pertandingan perkenalan batas waktu pengiriman team adalah besok sore tanggal 8 Maret pukul 18.00 WIB, team dapat diposting dikaskus oleh teamnya, atau pm ke panitia. Jadi malem ini teamnya silahkan latihan dulu dan cari pasangan deh

Mohon maaf kalau dirasa mendadak, untuk tahap pertama ini dadakan dan segala hal yang dirasa kurang dapat di revisi dikompetisi berikutnya.
Oya semua record game menjadi milik bersama dan akan mendapat kehormatan dipublish diblog kita www.aoe2indo.blogspot.com
Kalo ada yang kurang ntar kita edit lagi deh okeeee...
Mari kita ramaikan AOE2Indo dengan maen sportif dan menghargai lawan kita...
Inget bro Menang kalah biasa yang penting Fun












Posted by
Rabu, Maret 05, 2008
The AK-47 strategy is a fast feudal rush, executed by the Mongol civs (cos of theirhunting bonus) and powered by man@arms supported by a tower rush (skirms are also welcome, but later when the econ is stabilized).
The point of this attack is to hit the enemy as soon as you can, just like the rest of the flushes, but this one can be one or two minutes sooner than your enemy flush.
Build order
Always a build order is hard to follow in every game exactly as you use to do. And in this one a single minimal error can screw you up on your attack.
So I want to say a few things before you go ahead and read the build order:
1. Do not worry if you cannot find deerearlier, with 6-7 sheep and 2 boars you will have enough food to go feudal.
2. This flush is very versatile so you can go either with 17 vils or 21 vils, you must decide it
Dark age
So as said before 1-6 vils go sheep, 7-10 go wood, 11 lure first boar, 12 build mill and hunt deer with 13,14 lure second boar, rest go wood, but the two last ones goes gold and build a mining camp. Click feudal upgrade around the minute 7:30/8:30
The Feudal transition
Get 4 vils from food and put them on wood, bring 4 more from wood and build a barracks as soon as you have 175 wood, and start making militia, rest leave on food: farming/berries/sheep.
The Feudal age
Those four forwards vils should have picking stone from your enemy's base, build a tower on your enemy wood camp and attack with your militia/man@arms while your 4 vils make their job. Then bring them back to pick stone; it will be helpful if you palisade his other stone pile or his gold with one vil instead building the tower.
Non-stop making vils/man@arms, later you could do some skirms as well.
Have fun and enjoy yourself.
Note: This is a very hard flush but very effective when well executed, so you might not agree with me in some points of this strat like the gold/stone picking order. You can pick both on your base, or just stone/gold and the rest on one of the enemy piles.
By HC_Shanks__
Posted by
The reason I chose Aztecs was because they are one of two civilisations that can create eagle warriors and that is basically it hehe.
About this strategy...
Mainly aimed for team games. It's not very useful in duels as a flush will kill this with ease. But if you were in the pocket of a 3v3, this strategy is very ful (similar to my mass knight rush). The eagle warriors get both armor upgrades, forging and tracking, which makes them nearly invincible against arrows with 4 pierce armor.
Villagers 1-6) Sheep
Villager 7) House, and then lumber camp
Villagers 8-11) Wood
Villager 12) Sheep
Build House with anyone.
Villager 13) Lure boar
Once boar is dead, all shepherds move to boar, but if theres still sheep, keep 1 villager on the sheep.
Villager 14) Boar
Villager 15) Lure second boar
Villager 16 goes to build mill near deer.
Build House with anyone
Villager 16-18) Goes to hunt deer
Villager 19) Sheep or Boar
Villager 20) Wood
Build House.
Villager 21) Build mill near berries
Villager 22) Wood
If theres too much crowd in the town centre, use some shepherds to make some farms around the town centre.
Villager 23) Wood
Villager 24) Wood
Villager 25) Build mining camp near gold
After all sheep has been consumed, send the shepherds to gold - use 1 to make a farm.
Villager 26) Gold
Villager 27) Farm
Villager 28) Wood
~ Click Feudal ~
Recap on what we have so far:
* 10 lumberjacks
* 4 foragers
* 5 farmers
* 6 miners
* 3 hunters (on deer)
Make a barracks and a house.
~ During Feudal ~
As soon as you hit feudal, queue 3 villagers and use 2 lumberjacks to make an archery, and 1 to make a blacksmith.
Villager 29) Wood
Villager 30) Wood
Make a farm with one of the builders.
~ Click Castle ~
Once the deer hunters have finished, send them to mine gold.
Use the 2 builders to make more barracks.
Recap again:
* 6 farmers
* 2 foragers
* 12 lumberjacks
* 9 miners
* 2 builders
Research scale mail armor.
Build more houses.
~ During Castle ~
Queue as much eagle warriors as possible from each barrack. Research chain mail armor. Research forging. Once you are running low on gold and can\'t make any more eagles, research tracking. After you have your 25 upgraded eagles in 20 minutes, go kill the enemy (obviously).
After you sent them, keep making a few eagles and make villagers, research economy technologies, whatever.
By HC_Shanks__
Posted by
Basically, my aim is to get 20 knights in 20 minutes. It sounds impossible, but is not. This strategy involves using the Teutons because of their cheaper farms. Many other civs are viable also but because of the teuton''s farm bonus, it enables you to have less woodcutters, or more farmers. This strategy is specifically for pocket players only. You can risk using this strategy if you were on the sides, but that would be a big risk.
What you need:
4 sheep + bonus 2 sheep, don''t really need the other bonus sheep but you can if you want
2 boars.
Don''t need to hunt deer, but if they are close, you can hunt them.
Berry bush.
The build up:
Well, its just like most build ups;
6 on sheep, 1 forager, 2 woodcutters and 1 house builder/boar lurer are the first set of villagers
By 10 minutes, you should have achieved the following:
* 26/30 population
* 14 villagers on food
* 11 villagers on wood
* + scout
(or something like that)
You want to mine gold after the 10 minute mark too... trust me, you will need it. I have tested this strategy over 10 times and found that you will need LOTS of gold, repeat, LOTS of gold
Transfer 2 FROM food to gold and make town centre gathering point to gold
Now you can look at your resources and see do you need more food, if you do, make some villagers to go to food instead
With a population of 32, click feudal
By now, you should have:
* 32/50
* 11 villagers on wood still
* about 12 on food
* 7 gold miners
* and 1 builder building barracks while feudaling
* + scout
As soon as you get to feudal, build blacksmith with 3 woodcutters and a stable with 1- 2 miners and queue 3 villagers at town center
With the 3 villagers who built the blacksmith, make another mining camp at a different gold mine
The 3 villagers you made FROM the town centre go to the new gold mine
Advance to Castle Age
Meanwhile, DON'T do any upgrades because it is impossible to achieve 20 knights in 20 minutes if you did do upgrades
Using the same builder who built the stables, build 3 more stables, in total of 4
Make more houses
As soon as you hit castle, train knights... do NOT make villagers FROM the town centre, it won''t work
Queue knights is top priority (queue farms at the mill to save some time)
You should have 12 miners and only 8 woodcutters
By 20 minutes, you should have queued (non-stop) 20 knights AND more coming
FROM there, is up to you.
By HC_Shanks__
Posted by
The Basic Start
Whether your a newb or rook, this lesson is probably the most important one yet
If you spend enough time on this lesson and practise it, you will definitely move to the next level!
Here is a BASIC start in AoK, using sheeps, and both boars to advance to the castle age by 17 minutes
At the very start:
Make a villager from your town centre
Make a house with 2 villagers
Make a house with the other villager
Get your 4 sheep with your scout
After the houses are complete, send all 3 villagers to gather food from your sheep inside town centre
Vill 4: Sheep
Vill 5: Sheep
Vill 6: Sheep
You should now have 6 villagers on sheep, plus a scout that is finding your other sheep around town centre.
Vill 7: Make lumber camp near forest
Vill 8: Wood
Vill 9: Wood
Vill 10: Wood
You should now have 6 villagers on sheep in your town centre and 4 villagers gathering wood near a forest and lumber camp.
Vill 11: Send towards location of boar and build a house
After Vill #11 builds the house, it will lure the boar back to the town centre, and then gather food from the boar
Vill 12: Build mill beside berries
Vill 13: Berries
Vill 14: Berries
You should now have 7 villagers in your town centre on the boar, 4 villagers on wood, 3 villagers on berries and a scout
Vill 15: Send to location of 2nd boar and build house
After the vill builds the house, it will lure the 2nd boar back to the town centre and gather food
Vill 16: Farm beside town centre
Vill 17: Farm beside town centre
vill 18: Wood
Vill 19: Wood
Vill 20: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 21: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 22: Build House and then wood
Vill 23: Farm
Vill 24: Farm
Vill 25: Farm
Vill 26: Wood
Vill 27: Gold
Vill 28: Gold
Vill 29: Gold
After your 8 villagers in the town centre finish gathering from the 2nd boar, send a few to wood and a few to make more farms, and leave 1 or 2 to finish sheep.
This start is very basic, and is only intended as a practise start for rooks and newbs to get used to how a proper start works. Since it advances to the Feudal Age at 30 pop, it is quite easy and after some practise you will master it. Once you fuedal you just need to build a market and stable to advance to the Castle Age.
I would suggest using Britons for attemping this start, because they are the easiest to do it with
Posted by
Selasa, Februari 12, 2008
Mengenal Jenis Permainan di AOE & Sedikit Tipsnya
Saya coba sedikit menjelaskan buat teman2 yang baru bermain aoe2 mengenai beberapa jenis permainan dan tips-tipsnya. Mohon kalo ada kekurangan dimaafkan soalnya kabayan juga sampe sekarang gak bisa jadi jendral di aoe padahal udah maen game ini selama 8 tahun lebih. Silahkan ditambah kekuranngannya ya...
Prinsip dasar sebenarnya game ini cukup sederhana yaitu naik jaman secepat-cepatnya dah bikin pasukan sebanyak2nya, seranglah lawan lebih dulu sebelum anda diserang, untuk menyerang sebaiknya gunakan pasukan yang mempunyai daya hancur tinggi dengan HP yang besar. Pada saat diserang musuh dan mau bertahan carilah anti dari pasukan penyerang musuh, misalnya kuda dilawan dengan tombak, infantri dengan pemanah, pemanah dengan kuda atau skirmisher (untuk lebih jelas bisa dilihat tech tree mana yang memiliki attack bonus terhadap pasukan yang lain). Pengalaman pribadi tiap orang memiliki karakter tersendiri dalam bermain aoe jadi sebaiknya jangan memaksakan strategi yang dirasa tidak cocok.
tapi ada beberapa strategi yang berbeda untuk tiap2 tipe permainan
1. Random map dengan map bukan nomad (kita sering menyebutnya RLM / Random Land Map walaupun sebenernya kurang tepat karena tipe permainan yang lain pun bisa pake peta RLM)
untuk tipe permainan ini markas udah ditentukan tempatnya dengan jelas, start awal umumnya satu town center dengan 3 villager, pada permainan ini resource terbatas tetapi secara umum pada jaman dark age cari food sebanyak2nya kemudian setelah feudal baru mencari gold dan stone. Pilihan waktu penyerangan cukup banyak tetapi umumnya serangan dilakukan pada saat feudal age dan castle age. biasanya penyerangan feudal mengandalkan tower2 untuk mengganggu resource musuh sedangkan penyerangan castle menggunakan pasukan yang cukup kuat seperti knight. ini merupakan jenis permainan yang paling umum dimainkan jadi biasanya pemain aoe banyak mengetahui trik dan strateginya
2. Random map dengan map nomad atau land nomad
sedikit berbeda dengan RLM town center belum dibuat sehingga kita bebas menentukan markas yang akan dibuat. pilihan untuk membuat markas ada beberapa hal yang penting misalnya resource terutama food, khusus untuk random map dengan map land nomad kita harus mencari wood dulu sebelum bisa membuat town center. Adapun map nomad biasa karena terdapat daerah perairan yang luas sebaiknya memanfaatkan fishing ship untuk mencari ikan. hal ini lebih efektif mengingat makanan yang ada tidak terpakai dan saat naik jaman kita masih bisa menambah jumlah fishing ship tersebut. setelah markas jadi strategi tidak jauh berbeda dengan random map RLM. Ada satu hal peraturan yang harus diingat saat bermain Nomad atau Land Nomad yaitu tidak boleh membunuh villager sampai town center pertama selesai dibangun!
untuk bermain di AOE2Indo mohon agar aturan ini dipahami demi kenyamanan kita dalam bermain.
3. Death Match
Berbeda sekali dengan random map disini resource sangat banyak (Wood dan food 20000, gold 10000, stone 5000) sehingga yang penting adalah kecepatan naik jaman dan membuat pasukan sebanyak-banyaknya. jangan lupa untuk membuat rumah dalam jumlah besar dan upayakan town center betul2 digunakan utama untuk naik jaman yang lebih tinggi. disini peperangan biasanya terjadi pada castle age atau imperial karena mudahnya naik jaman. pertimbangkan untuk membuat kombinasi pasukan melee dan range agar serangan menjadi lebih efektif. kemenangan biasanya akan didapat bagi pemain yang bisa membuat pasukan dalam jumlah banyak dengan waktu sesingkat2nya. jangan lupa untuk mengupgrade pasukan tersebut kalau perlu buatlah lebih banyak bangunan barrack, stable, atau archery range dan blacksmith agar proses menjadi lebih cepat. setelah pasukan mencapai limit maksimal sambil menyerang persiapkan villager untuk mencari food dan gold yang biasanya habis paling cepat. umumnya tidak perlu mencari kayu selama permainan ini.
4. Regicide
Tipe permainan ini pada awal telah tersedia castle dengan 10 villager disamping town center dan resource yang cukup banyak (food dan wood 500, tanpa gold dan stone kalau tidak salah), sedikit berbeda dengan tipe permainan lainnya karena ada raja yang menentukan menang atau kalahnya. Jadi strategi utama adalah bagaimana bisa membunuh raja. karena sudah ada castle biasanya peperangan terjadi pada saat castle age atau imperial age. upayakan pengaturan resource lebih kepada jumlah pekerja efektif agar bisa masuk ke imperial age tidak terlalu lama. pada saat penyerangan biasanya menggunakan pasukan yang bisa gerak cepat seperti kuda agar bisa mengejar dan membunuh raja.
5. Defend the wonder
Tipe permainan ini dibatasi waktu, dimana salah satu team akan diberi wonder untuk dipertahankan dan team lainnya diminta untuk menghancurkan wonder tersebut, tidak perlu naik jaman dan upgrade pasukan karena sudah post imperial age, intinya adalah kecepatan menyerang dan kemampuan bertahan yang baik
6. King of the hill
Paling jarang dimainkan, prinsipnya juga dibatasi waktu untuk mempertahankan wonder tanpa direbut oleh musuh
Mungkin segitu dulu ya, silahkan kalo ada yang mau dikomentarin. ini sekedar buat ngeramein blog kita....
Viva Aoe2indo moga2 tetep banyak yang mau maen.
Oya kalo maen ini jangan dibawa kesel dan marah kalo kalah ya, kita kan pengen senang kalo maen, dan harus diingat tiap orang punya limit kemampuan dalam permainan ini. Gak usah kecil hati kalo ternyata kita kalah terus, siapa tau ntar menang hehehe
Posted by
Jumat, Januari 04, 2008
Record Game
Record game consist of some game worth to watch... local and international. If you have any record that worth to see, please let us know and send your ZIP record to my email address.
Some worth to see game nihhh... mudah-mudahan berguna (if the link is no longer valid, please let me know at heny.mustikasari@gmail.com)
AC4 All Star vs Legion team RF AS pov.rar
Arbalet Cup 4 Finals L Clan Chris vs EnjoyLonely Arabia.zip
Arbalet Cup 4 Finals L Clan Chris vs EnjoyLonely Nomad.zip
Chris Game Pack.zip
Grand Finals CsI Daut vs EnjoyLonely nomad.zip
Feudal 6.25 Koibito
Koven VS Chris FIRST.zip
LN pack second half.zip
Posted by
Tutorial Mengurangi Lag
LAG merupakan keterlambatan transmisi data. Keterlambatan ini bisa disebabkan oleh :
1. Traffic data yang padat (Congested Network).
2. Kualitas jaringan yang buruk (Low Quality Link).
Bila kasus yang dialami adalah traffic yang padat maka kendala tersebut masih dapat diatasi dengan cara dibawah ini. Namun bila kasus yang dialami adalah kualitas jaringan yang buruk, maka penggunaan metode ini belum tentu berhasil.
Metode yang digunakan adalah memanipulasi informasi bit-bit pada ip header. Tentunya keberhasilan manipulasi ini dipengaruhi pula oleh rules/firewall pada ISP.
Caranya :
1. Download dulu TCPOptimizer
4. Lsg ke tab "Largest MTU" klik start. Lihat angka MTU untuk Anda, berbeda jenis koneksi, berbeda pula MTU-nya.
b. Isi nilai MTU sesuai dgn langkah 3 tadi
c. Bila menggunakan koneksi PPPoE (ADSL/speedy), berikan centang pd kotak PPPoE
d. Geser slider kecepatan sesuaikan dgn kecepatan koneksi Anda.
6. Pindah ke tab "Advance Settings".
b. Isi kotak (samakan dengan gambar)
c. Pd "Default ToSValue", isi sesuai keinginan (80=low-delay, untuk gamer; 72=max-throughput, untuk maniak download)
7. Klik "Apply changes"
8. Jgn lupa restart network adapter or restart kompie yah..
Posted by
Age of Empires II - The Age of King
Age of Empires II - The Conquerors Expansion
Patch AOE 1.0e
Link 1 - Download
Link 2 - Download
Premium 30 hari - Download
Hamachi (VPN tool) ini berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar komputer di mana pun, agar seolah-olah kita semua berada dalam 1 LAN.
Setelah install hamachi, jangan lupa di update yah.
Posted by